Recent content by Cincinnati Kid

  1. Cincinnati Kid

    Hair Loss Update: The Cold Light Of Day

    Well, it was fun while it lasted. I haven't been very active on the forums lately, but I felt like I needed to check-in. Anyway, my hair is done for. I cannot believe how badly my hair loss has progressed since last summer. I believe that I last posted in June wondering if I should buzz my hair...
  2. Cincinnati Kid

    Should I Go Shorter?

    Been buzzing with a number 1 the past year or so with decent results. Recently let my hair grow out for a few months, but didn't like how thin it was, so I buzzed it with a number 2. I prefer this a bit to the number 1 because I don't need to put sunscreen on my dome lol. Hair looks the same in...
  3. Cincinnati Kid

    Finasteride Month 7

    Blood tests before and after confirmed my T3 and Free Test were down and my prolactin level was elevated while on the drug. I had the blood work done after feeling more lethargic than usual to go along with my sexual side effects. Wish it wasn't the case because I caught my male pattern baldness fairly early and...
  4. Cincinnati Kid

    Finasteride Month 7

    Usually it takes between 12-18 months to see maximum results. Your scalp has to shed the thinning hair for, hopefully, thicker hair, and the hair cycle moves extremely slow. I stopped after 7 months due to ongoing, intermittent sexual side effects as well as lower T levels. I'd rather be bald...
  5. Cincinnati Kid

    Could I pull off a shaved head?

    If you do bic it, keep the beard. I tried it once without facial hair, and people thought I had cancer. If I were you though, I would definitely keep some hair on top. You should contour your hair very short where the sides of the head begin to arch to meet the top of your skull. I find that a...
  6. Cincinnati Kid

    Genetic clock to turn off my hair? Rapid diffuse male pattern baldness at 28? My unusual case

    This, my friend, is what those in the business call the androgen paradox. The potent testosterone directly responsible for growing the hair on the face, chest, back, etc. is the same testosterone that kills the follicles on the top of your head if you are genetically predisposed to it. Oh the irony.
  7. Cincinnati Kid

    Approaching 30 years old and concerned about my hair. Please tell it to me straight!

    Yeah I would commit a heinous crime or two to have the hairline that you do. So you don't have hair loss, sir. Sorry. Now, kindly -- and I mean this in the nicest way possible -- F*CK. RIGHT. OFF. Those of us that are actually balding need to bemoan how unfair genetics have been to us.
  8. Cincinnati Kid

    Genetic clock to turn off my hair? Rapid diffuse male pattern baldness at 28? My unusual case

    Here I was thinking you looked like Kevin from The Office given your description. A lot of people on here would love to have that much hair. You could probably get on treatment now and be fine for a while so long as it doesn't interfere with your other health issues.
  9. Cincinnati Kid

    the no cure conspiracy

    That GIF is ridiculous hahahahaha.
  10. Cincinnati Kid

    Hair Transplant Question

    Not too sure about that, sir. I think Fred might be the best person to answer this question seeing how he's not only already had a hair transplant, but also is a diffuse thinner. I'm thinking they would buzz your hair down pretty short because they want to be able to see where they are placing...
  11. Cincinnati Kid

    Topical Ruxolitinib & Tofacitinib Restores Nearly 100% of lost hair

    I just saw a similar article on CNET. Yet another false hope for those of us running out of time. Even if it did work, we'll never know about long term effects until those of us that took it were already affected by them. I would love to believe that a simple topical solution could change our...
  12. Cincinnati Kid

    Will There Ever Be Another Bald Leading Man?

    As we know, celebrities are constantly under the spotlight and are forced to look their best at all times otherwise some photographer that has been hiding in the bushes outside their house for five hours will snap a photo of them not looking their best and sell it to TMZ for a hefty sum. For...
  13. Cincinnati Kid

    "Sexiest Man Alive" Adam Levine Shaves Head...Internet Loses Its Mind

    We're all judged by our looks. It's always been that way. So in an effort to look as good as possible in an effort to fit in socially and find a mate we go to great lengths. People don't go to the gym to be "healthy." They go to the gym because they want to look good naked. Women glob on pounds...
  14. Cincinnati Kid

    "Sexiest Man Alive" Adam Levine Shaves Head...Internet Loses Its Mind

    Well, as you could probably guess many male celebrities have shaved their head for one reason or another at some point. Whether it's an actor shaving it for a role in a film like Jake Gyllenhaal shaving his NW1 for End of Watch or Hugh Jackman in current box office mega-flop Pan it certainly...
  15. Cincinnati Kid

    Newbie here with receding hairline -- Help recommend me treatment

    If there was something other than the big 3 that has had a lot of success, we'd all know about it. Whatever you've been using may seem like it's been helping, but I can assure you it hasn't done much of anything. Whatever it is that you've been using probably caused something of a placebo effect...