Recent content by ChristianHockeyKid

  1. C

    Has anyone tried Jasons Natural Thin-to Thick Hair Shampoo?

    Has anyone tried it? It says it's Guaranteed to add 10% Thickness after first application. And if you're a bit of an expert from reading up on this subject- can you check out their site? And just read the ingredients & tell me if you think it's not a good shampoo to use? Before I go out of my...
  2. C

    Has anyone had a Bad Experience with Rogaine?

    Please tell me if you have! I was considering Rogaine, but first- I wanted to ask you all if you've ever had a Bad Experience with it. Was it a bad idea? Do you Regret it? Was it actually a good thing? And if you can, maybe go into why? Thank you so much! ---A little about me real quick---...
  3. C

    Should I continue Nizoral? don't even have dandruff options?

    Are you in the U.S.A? Are those shampoo's available at the local stores here? Nizoral, they seemed to be sorta outa of stock everywhere, was able to find some at this 3rd store I checked. but it was 1% Is 2% like only in other country's or something? thanks mang!
  4. C

    chessmaniac12's story.

    I just wanted to say I'm a huge chess fan, and I'm 24. I know dude.. has nothing to do with anything, but hey..
  5. C

    Should I continue Nizoral? don't even have dandruff options?

    I started Nizoral 1% a while ago.. Just finished the bottle. Now I have to decide what to do. Get more Nizoral? Or go with something else? And by the way i don't even have Dandruff! And, I read on the bottle not to take it longer than like 3 weeks or something. I wish I had several hours to...
  6. C

    Is it ok to use Nizoral 1% Every single day? Please reply.

    Thanks bro, so I can only wash my hair 3 times a week, that's kinda nasty. How do I get nizoral 2% Would I need a prescription? Should I not use it? And that's a dandruff shampoo, should i not use it? I don't have dandruff. thanks!
  7. C

    Is it ok to use Nizoral 1% Every single day? Please reply.

    I don't even Have Dandruff, Someone on here recommended Nizoral 2%, the stores only have 1% which is what I've been using. I've been using for over a week now. The back of the bottle says to use 3-4 days out of a week for up to 8 weeks. I use to wash my hair in the morning & night, every...
  8. C

    Losing hair at 16

    Can someone please suggest Shampoo for me? I want the best. And is Conditioner something I shouldn't use if I'm experiencing hair loss? If it's ok, Can you also recommend conditioner? And are there any Remedy's like foods to eat or just anything that works I can try? I posted a thread, here is...
  9. C

    What Shampoo should I use? QUICK!! PLEASE!! Thinning hair

    Hey, I'm 24 white male. in the USA - Please Reply ASAP! I need the Best Shampoo asap, I do not want to continue using the one I have any longer!!! Please let me know the BEST! Shampoo I should use. And should I even use conditioner? *Also, should I even wash my hair every day? I'm 24 years...