Recent content by chris00

  1. C

    freaked out about finding out about post finasteride syndrom, my story. Any insights?

    Thanks a lot for sharing! But were you / are you able to go multiple rounds? Have sex right or soon after orgasm or ejaculating? Sorry if this a direct question. Haha. I didn't think I have any sides either. Before reading it over the internet. And also after my last breakup. I tried to make...
  2. C

    freaked out about finding out about post finasteride syndrom, my story. Any insights?

    br1, thanks for your reply! You quit 4 months ago? How long it took for your watery semen/ejaculations go better and have better wood so to speak? :) How old are you if I may ask? are you noticing any hairloss now? plan to get back on it?
  3. C

    freaked out about finding out about post finasteride syndrom, my story. Any insights?

    I'm 33. I've been using 1mg of Propecia for around 8 years now. I haven't been super consistent, sometimes it's been weeks or even maximum a month of two off. I'm doing pretty good in terms of hair. I think I've remained around the same as I first saw my receding hairline when I was 24/25. And I...
  4. C

    Taking Propecia for 11 years

    8 years I have used it daily for 8-9 years. I think I've maintained almost the same condition when I started. No sides really that I can really bring out.
  5. C

    Been taking 1mg of Propecia for 8 years. Worried about libido. Should I come off it?

    Hey! I haven't been on these forums for a long time but used to cruise these a lot some time years ago. I first noticed my hairline receding and thinning in front when I was 24. I'm 33 now. So around 9 years ago. I freaked out because I had such a hair fetish at the time and loved my hair. I...
  6. C

    Why do women dislike bald guys/old guys?

    It has got to do a lot of confidence. Full head of hair is good but shaving everything is fine too. The worst is the cumb over :)
  7. C

    0.25 mg Finasteride

    1.25mg I saw some advice somewhere to take 1.25mg in every 3 days. Instead of 1mg avery day. Anyone have any info on that?