Recent content by chowmein

  1. chowmein

    where can i buy avodart in the uk

    elite net pharmacy . com I get my GSK Avodart from them & they're very fast & reliable. (uk based)
  2. chowmein

    please calm me down.... dutas from elitenet alright?

    And yes, definite results with Avodart from Elite - I'm maintaining well and side effect-wise; as soon as I started Dutasteride (Avodart from Elitenet) I felt the same ache in my testicles as I did when I began finasteride. Hope this helps!
  3. chowmein

    please calm me down.... dutas from elitenet alright?

    So far... i've bought 5 packs of genuine GSK Avodart from Elitenet, 2 on one occasion, 3 on the other and it's 100% legitimate. Absolutely nothing to worry about. Whereas, Inhouse... well.. I was very skeptical about the Avodart I received from them. It was either damaged by heat as all of...
  4. chowmein

    Skin Needling

    ...hmm, perhaps you should try it Felk...?! From experience, you can feel and hear a 'pop' in the scalp were your hair would naturally grow whilst needling, which encourages you to experiment with different parts of your scalp.. And after needling, wherever you apply your growth stimulant: i.e...
  5. chowmein

    dutasteride + finasteride 2 month results (after 7 years finasteride and 2 years dutasteride

    I'm currently taking 0.5mg Avodart M/W/F and using up my Propecia in halfs (0.5mg) on T/T/S/S (the dutasteride 'off' days) My transition to dutasteride is taking approximately 1 & 1/2 months.
  6. chowmein

    dutasteride ONCE A MONTH

    hmm... the moderators club ?
  7. chowmein

    My advice to all dutasteride users

    Really? You are kidding right? I have very little trust in GlaxoSmithKline after the whole Seroxat scandal - Glaxo's anti-depressant drug which actually casued a great deal of children to end their own lives! ..."GSK carried out trials of Seroxat on children from the late 1990s at the...
  8. chowmein

    Rogaine form in the UK?

    Take advantage of those great Ebay deals! Go get some!
  9. chowmein

    A brief report on the 'new' dutasteride study!

    Re: dutasteride Timi, how are you taking 0.25mg dutasteride ? How do you split the dutasteride gel cap?
  10. chowmein

    Rogaine Foam Effect on Hair Styling

    Yes it certainly thickens things up! My hair is very fine, always has been. So using the foam every morning makes my hair appear much more denser and when dried (in a matter of 2 mins or so) & then combed through - looks great with gel.
  11. chowmein

    Are you from the UK & kno where 2 buy cheap hairLoss dru

    Edit:: I can confirm that "elite" net pharmacy ships from within the UK. Seems quite cheap! and delivery time was very quick! 2-3 days for genuine Avodart which I'm just considering about experimenting with ...
  12. chowmein


    uhm.. well why not! - there is some semi-truth in that slogan after all - look into how minoxidil actually works to try to recover and sustain hair growth. On the downside however, minoxidil doesn't have a handle on DHT and scalp testosterone levels which is the root and cause of male pattern baldness. Don't put...
  13. chowmein


    You switched ? :-x hhd, propecia and rogaine foam do two completely different jobs :- * Propecia - attempts to halt hair loss, maintains hair and if you're a good responder can grow back some recently lost hair. * Rogaine foam - attempts to stimulate dormant hair follicles and regrow...