Recent content by chesco

  1. C

    My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair

    Have finished my first batch of Zix, which lasted me a bit less than a month using 2ml in the morning (I apply Rogaine foam at night). Using the formula in the first post (3 B6 P5P, 2 Zinc, 15ml ethyl alcohol, 45ml distilled water). I have seen reduced itch and pain in the scalp, but not a real...
  2. C

    My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair

    Hi! Have been on hair maintenance for about 10 years, but things only started getting bad around 2 years ago, with semi-noticeable loss on the crown and the temples since a couple of months ago, things aren't going great but could be worse. I've been monitoring shed from bed, shower, styling...
  3. C

    Help! Losing My Crown, Don't Know Else What Do...

    Any additional input? Ie. Is the Minodixil not working as much? Have been using it for 3 years now, but have only just noticed the crown...again, this is something that happened in the last 6 months. Still have a lot of small hairs, any way to reverse it a bit? When my hair is dry, the bald...
  4. C

    Help! Losing My Crown, Don't Know Else What Do...

    Hey guys, I've been managing my hair loss for about 10 years now, and until recently, had been doing pretty well. It all started when I was about 22, I noticed my hairlines was receding and my hair was super greasy. I went to a dermatologist that specialized in hair, and within a few months I...