Recent content by charlangas

  1. C

    Started using Minoxidil 5% for 2 days and stopped it

    I had a similiar expirience at the begining, applyed minoxidil for a couple days and got scared, washed my head like 5 times that day, i was feeling so paranoid thinking i have ****ed up my hair. After a few hours i came to reason and started finasteride minoxidil and keto shampoo, i know real sheding now lol...
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    About to start on Minoxidil...

    Good questions, im using the liquid minoxidil once a day, mostly beacouse i have medium to long hair and it makes it look greasy for a coulple hours after i apply it, if i see no change on a few month i ll probably try the foam and do it twice a day. I ve been on minoxidil+finasteride+keta shampoo for a month...
  3. C

    From sadness to greatness

    Congratz bro this is really inspiring!
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    New Here, Rogaine Related

    Thanks for the reply man, i ve started taking finasteride yesterday, bought a 3 month supply so i wont give it up on the first side affects i feel, i read on the forum that even if you get some sides they most of the time go away within the first 3 month so im going for that mark. Also bought a 2%...
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    New Here, Rogaine Related

    Hey everyone, im 28 years old, always had long thin hair,on the last 3/4 years i ve been losing more hair every year, my father is bold, he went almost completelly bold when he was 27 but he atribuites it to not taking care of his hair and using oils and bad stuff on his scalp. Recently i ve...