Recent content by cerealguy

  1. C

    Best Dietary Supplement For Hairloss

    Take Biotin and Vitamin C supplement. Excercise daily (30 minute walk for example), remove sugar and saturated fats and you will see great success :)
  2. C

    Is My Case Dupa Or Dpa? (with Pics)

    Oh lord, should I waste money in finasteride + minoxidil? Apparently people is telling that this has no fix, which already is killing me inside.
  3. C

    Is My Case Dupa Or Dpa? (with Pics)

    So it's the worst case scenario for me? I'm going to get so depressed if that's the case. Just staryed with thw big 3 and this really kills my motivation...
  4. C

    Is My Case Dupa Or Dpa? (with Pics)

    This is killing me... I hope it's DPA because I read horror stories from people not recovering from DUPA. Been taking Finasteride & Minoxidil for a week now. Here's the pictures. Hoping someone could help me here and if the medication can potentially help me regrowing my lost hair...
  5. C

    Balding/thinning, Both In My Case? Help!

    Except me. I cannot even grow a beard and balding. :(
  6. C

    Balding/thinning, Both In My Case? Help!

    So... am I a Difusse Thinner? In that case isn't because my body has way too much DHT? Maybe Finasteride wouldn't work and probably Dutasteride might be more useful? I have a decent ammount of body hair, tho is not thick.
  7. C

    Balding/thinning, Both In My Case? Help!

    I'll ask a dermatologist about my situation and see if I can take any of the "big 3" medications. Might be a poor diet, I dunno, that's why I'm asking if I can recover :(
  8. C

    Balding/thinning, Both In My Case? Help!

    Hello there! I'm a 25 YO male with bad genes. My family has been prone to balding early and I'm not the exception... Recently, I decided to cut my hair, since I haven't cut it in 7 years...To my surprise, I've lost a LOT of hair in my crown area. I used to have a very tight hair bun which I...