Recent content by Ced

  1. C

    23 Years Old Receding Or Mature Hairline

    Thank you everyone I will go see a doctor soon. I am really bummed out because there is no history of hairloss in my familly and loosing my hair while my 52 years old dad has all his hair makes it even more depressing if that makes any sense
  2. C

    23 Years Old Receding Or Mature Hairline

    Hi, I am 23 years old and I started looking at my hairline a lot lately and I'm wondering if it's is receding or only maturing. Thank you for your answers
  3. C

    Mature Hairline Or Receding Hairline

    Sorry did not meant to put that in this section how do I delete it
  4. C

    Mature Hairline Or Receding Hairline

    Hi I am 23 years old and I started looking at my hairline a lot lately and I'm wondering if it's is receding or only maturing thank you for your answer
  5. C

    Do You Think This A Bald Spot Or A Cowlick ?

    Yeah it is very similair I hope it's nothing too but it's kind of weird
  6. C

    Do You Think This A Bald Spot Or A Cowlick ?

    Thank you any other idea anyone ?
  7. C

    Do You Think This A Bald Spot Or A Cowlick ?

    Hi I am 23 years old and I just noticed what I think is a bald spot can you tell me what you think please ? I also added pictures of my hairline to help you judge if I am in fact starting to loose my hair. My dad is 50 and has all of his hair but my grandfather started to loose his hair pretty...
  8. C

    Is This A Baldspot Or A Cowlick What Do You Think

    So I am guessing you think it's a cowlick and I don't know about the others but I am a guy who can get worried easily about almost anything so I prefer to have the opinion of other people for things like that
  9. C

    Is This A Baldspot Or A Cowlick What Do You Think

    Hello I just realised that I have a spot with no hair on my head I don't know if it is a baldspot or a cowlick can I have your opinion please. I also put other pictures of my hairline to give you a better idea of my hair in general. Finally I am 22 years old and my dad still has all his hair and...
  10. C

    Is My Hairline Receding ? Please Respond

    Thank you for your answers and I dont know about my grandmother's father I don't have any picture of him
  11. C

    Is My Hairline Receding ? Please Respond

    Thank you any other idea ?
  12. C

    Is My Hairline Receding ? Please Respond

    Hi I am 22 years old and I think my hairline might be receding which would be pretty weird since my dad is 50 and still have a full set of hair and my grandfather on my mother side is 80 something and still have a lot of hair. Anyway I just want to know what you think I should do. Thank you in...