Recent content by CarlosMan

  1. C

    where to get powder minoxidil ?

    El sulfato de minoxidil se disuelve fácilmente en agua debido a la base ácida que contiene, se disuelve en agua destilada y se agrega alcohol a su concentración adecuada, yo lo uso y es igual de efectivo que el minoxidil ya preparado, solo ten en cuenta que hay que prepararlo en concentración...
  2. C

    Do You Think My Homemade Minoxidil Solution Will Work?

    I think I understand that you bought minoxidil through Aliexpress, what you bought is minoxidil sulfate that dissolves completely in distilled water very easily through the sulfate it contains, to make 5 percent you have to put 8 grams of minoxidil sulfate, 8 grams You dissolve them in 50...