Recent content by carlitos way

  1. C

    my derm answers to my questions.

    ahmedwk, next time go see a Dermatalogist, not a proctologist.
  2. C

    Propecia regrew all of my hair!...will Revivogen work?

    You regrew ALL your hair on propecia????? Did you regrow hair like you had before you lost it ? Could you notice it regrown 15 feet away? or was it regrowth only your wife, girlfriend, etc can notice because they are standing 2 inches away from your head This post seems not right post...
  3. C

    A crazy, yet genius, idea.

    Charlie.... On behalf of The hairloss talk members, we collectively want to give you the following message from all our hearts: Do us all a huge favor, try not to come up with any more ideas or thoughts for the next 37 years. Thank You
  4. C

    has anyone here..

    where u been.... Its been over a year
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    Guys... There is Bryan, Bismark, S. Foote, Cassin, Gardner, Petchsky, and more that are here that are awsome when it comes to information. I think everyone gets busy in their life and people tend to do their own thing and maybe not pop in as much But as far as the mood here, I will be...
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    Biggest Scam- Opinions?

    Gentlemen, lets not forget the hairdot king....the master of all con artists
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    Suggestion for making this a better site

    Dave001.....I couldnt agree with you more my freind
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    propecia and fluridil for sale

    anyone have any offers they would like to make?
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    propecia and fluridil for sale

    I have 3 bottles of procecia, never used the stuff. Two bottles are unopened, one bottle is opened but i never took any pills, i guess I chickened out of it. I payed around $50 bucks a bottle from Dr. Lees site I also have 2 full boxes of fluridil, I used it and I didnt see reults...
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    Whats up with old people with hairlines down to forehead?

    Hi bob,, ok I agree with you there as far as all playing a part, I was thinking youy were saying food and environment are the main reasons, I am in the food industry so im very familiar with the stuff that goes in food Im very familiar with msg did you know that certain foods...
  11. C

    Whats up with old people with hairlines down to forehead?

    Bob, My point was to say that there are bums with hairloss and bums with good hair, its genetics which decides which bum has hair or not, NOT how many beers and hot dogs they consume I do think paying attention to food and environment helps as far as overall health, but I seriously doubt...
  12. C

    Whats up with old people with hairlines down to forehead?

    Bob, I do like the fact that people should eat HEALTHY, TRAIN, NO STRESS...ETC However, your theory is flawed BIG TIME.. Look at bums.... some of the thickest hair i have ever seen has been on homeless people! Lets have a looksie at their diet/lifestyle shall we...
  13. C

    What if someone whos not loosing hair uses propecia/rogaine?

    I think hes asking if it will work for preventative measures. If it works as a preventative for someone to prevent possible hairloss that might be coming down the line, I am not sure about that
  14. C

    telling it like it is...

    crazyboy...did he really get one? I didnt know that interesting
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    telling it like it is...

    Well deaner unfortunately the styling and the appearance part are very true. aAs far as the what women think, that is up to the man on how he takes their opinion my thread was not so much related to on what women think...but the reality of the difficulty of styling, change in appearence...