Recent content by Canaduh

  1. Canaduh

    Rogaine @ front of head

    Thanks. I had figured as much, but was a little worried when it said that.
  2. Canaduh

    Rogaine @ front of head

    Hey, so I just ordered some Rogaine online, and was reading up on it, and it says that it's not meant for regrowth at the front of the head. Does it just not regrow your hairline, or does it just magically not work at the front of your head for some reason? Just wondering, because I have a...
  3. Canaduh

    Canadian buying finasteride

    Hey So I just set up an order of 30 tablets of Fincar on, went to check out and realized that they don't ship to Canada. Just wondering if any Canadians (or anybody, really) knows a different method of getting finasteride online, preferably generic for reduced costs. Thanks...
  4. Canaduh

    Canaduh's Story

    Thanks for the info. So for a regimen I'm thinking of 1.25mg finasteride daily (proscar cut up) 5% minoxidil twice a day nizoral 2-3 times a week. I've been seeing a lot of people taking vitamin supplements when they start a hair treatment program. Is this necessary? If so, what would best suit my regimen...
  5. Canaduh

    Canaduh's Story

    All right, well, here goes nothing: I'm a 19 year old male and within the last 6 months or so, I have noticed my hair beginning to thin along the hairline, most noticeably at the top right; along my temples; a small circular bald spot starting at the back top of my head; and at the top right...