Recent content by Cali PokerDealer

  1. C

    dboty's story

    Good luck on your journey! I am four months in on finasteride and nizoral alone and have had slight regrowth.
  2. C

    new to the forum, advice needed

    Ketokonazole 2% cream is prescription I believe, but 1% Nizoral is just as effective, as well as over the counter.
  3. C

    Cali PokerDealer's story

    Re: Cali's story 25/M 3 months on finasteride Yeah, I will def be open to upgrading the DHT blocking shampoo part of the regimen in due time. Thanks for the reply, I didn't think anyone was interested in my story at all! I know traditionally people take pictures month to month, but I figured the first...
  4. C

    finasteride and pimples on the head?

    I'm also using nizoral 3x weekly, if that matters.
  5. C

    Cali PokerDealer's story

    Re: Cali's story 25/M 3 months on finasteride Bump :innocent:
  6. C

    finasteride and pimples on the head?

    Has anyone had an increase of pimples on the scalp area months after starting finasteride? What does this mean? Thanks.
  7. C

    Cali PokerDealer's story

    My story really isn't that interesting, but I thought I might as well share a little bit of my journey through this agonizing process with the forum. I am a long time lurker and just now thought I would post some pictures. I tried finasteride for the first time in 2006 at the .25 dose and didn't really...
  8. C

    4rx is no more!

    I used United to start my finasteride regimen. They delivered quite quickly.
  9. C

    UP Finpecia?

    What kind of sides did you get?
  10. C

    Thinking about starting finasteride again, opinions?

    I've been on Finpecia (0.5 dose) and combined it with Grapesead extract from the start. Apparently from the other topic we both get it from United. One of us has sides, other doesn't. I thought the stuff was fake since I had no sides besides a random zit here and there when I've never had acne...
  11. C

    UP Finpecia?

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone around here uses the United Pharmacies dot com Finpecia. I want to know if anyone can vouch for it's results. The packing says it's from Verna India. I'm still new at only about 2 months in, so I'm not using any of my results to get a solid answer, clearly.
  12. C

    .5mg finasteride

    Way too soon to even check. The process calls for at least 3 months passing for a proper evaluation. I've been avoiding checking. But, I've noticed no excessive shedding or anything as of yet.
  13. C

    .5mg finasteride

    Yes, that is the exact does I'm on. I'm one of the newer guys around here. Lurked for years, and took the plunge on October 8th, 2011. My story will go up soon once I get more time under my belt.
  14. C

    .5mg finasteride

    Over a month in here with no sides.
  15. C

    Relax, I'm hilarious's story

    Thank you for sharing. I am on my 40ish day of finasteride, and I must say, I have had no sides.