Recent content by BungleBungle

  1. B


    I say moisturising was a 1 on the scale, being on finasteride would be a 4 or 5.... hair transplant would be a 7 or 8.....
  2. B


    Exactly. Essentially all of this (hair treatments, moisturisers, etc) make you look more attractive to the opposite sex. How getting more appreciated by the opposite sex is "gay" is baffling to me. Hell, even if you *are* gay and do these things, it's nothing to do with being gay. It's to do...
  3. B


    Taking daily medication for hairloss is considered a THOUSAND TIMES more vain than moisturising properly in our society. And hair transplants? We're entering male pec implants of vanity levels...
  4. B


    Ignore the ladyboy slurs! When they look like a kangaroo's testicle sack at 50, and a woman wouldn't even sit within 5 stools at a bar for fear of that granddad smelling of pee, they'll regret not moisturising... Best exfoliator on the market: ...
  5. B

    What happened to global warming?

    Having working in several universities in quaternary studies, I can assure you that's not true. 99% of climate scientists gain zero funding from their research verifying anthropogenic global warming. Can I remind you that the world is bigger than the US? The petty politics of the US do not...
  6. B

    Obama wins nobal peace prize, opinions?

    We've obviously got no idea who the other candidates were, and won't in many of our lifetimes, but usually there are hundreds of nominations. Basically every world leader, every leader of any "social good" charity or public works project, and all the usual political prisoners and "freedom...
  7. B

    What happened to global warming?

    I'd say pick up a copy of Nature or National Geographic, and not base your thoughts on one very odd, very non-BBC article.
  8. B

    Obama wins nobal peace prize, opinions?

    They're sealed for 50 years, I understand.
  9. B

    Obama wins nobal peace prize, opinions?

    I'm taking it in the Mikhail Gorbachev style of Peace Prize in 1990. Nothing actually yet done, but merely changing the direction of the ship that's been sailing into the abyss for a decade is worth a slap on the back. I can't think of anything better for world peace than breaking the creepy...
  10. B

    What happened to global warming?

    This is very unusual for a BBC article, in that it is frankly giving a voice to the hysterical extremities of climate science. Piers Corbyn is a man with a history. He is a very bizarre man, and is considered by the British media as an eccentric quack (he refuses to have his predications quoted...
  11. B

    Am I thinning on top

    Given people are born with concave, convex, widow's peaks, and anything from theoretical Norwood-1 to NW3s, there's no real baseline. It's all relative to each head. On top of that there's the whole mature headline vs male pattern baldness issue.
  12. B

    Am I thinning on top

    That's what *everyone* looses in the shower! Haven't you checked the plug after your girlfriend showers? There's 20 pounds of hair. People loose hair in the shower!
  13. B

    Help, Im 18 years old, losing my hair. Im in the UK

    Exactly. That's why I really dislike people attacking those here who are only just thinning. Early action is the key.
  14. B

    Help, Im 18 years old, losing my hair. Im in the UK

    What tosh. I imagine you're afraid of the dark and mice too.
  15. B

    PING ADMIN: request for new forum section (gray/grey hair)

    Who cares about balding! They can just wear wigs!