Recent content by Bill Shakespeare

  1. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (4 month finasteride and nizoral update!!) oh and just so you guys know my sides are a 1 at the moment and the top is a 2 and getting even harder to disguise
  2. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (4 month finasteride and nizoral update!!) alright guys 5 months have gone by and i am now currently on my 6 month of treatment. these lat 5 months haven't been too hard to keep on the regimen but seeing minimal results is what makes it hard. here are some pics of my...
  3. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (4 month finasteride and nizoral update!!) See thats the thing there is no varying length, my head is 1 all the way around in those pics, too me i feel as if this is the lowest point on my head but they do say ur hair will only get worse before getting better. Lets hope so
  4. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (4 month finasteride and nizoral update!!) So here is the 4 month update pics, please let me know what u think
  5. Bill Shakespeare

    Young and balding

    Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly) Ive been following your story for a while now and i just wanted to chime in on what i think. dude no homo i think ur a good looking guy and the shaved head doesn't look bad on you at all. actually i think u can pull tons of girls of you wanted...
  6. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (4 month finasteride and nizoral update!!) So 4 months of passed on the journey of hair loss....and its not looking good for me. Firstly i think my hair had gradually becoming worse and I now know for a fact that my left temple is receding far much faster than my right. My...
  7. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (2 month finasteride and nizoral update!!) i get my finasteride from inhouse. so heres a funny story that actually happened last night. i was sitting in my friends dorm room last night with a bunch of guys and one of my old friends came in. this friend used to cut my hair last year...
  8. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (2 month finasteride and nizoral update!!) So 3 months have gone by and id say there is a slight difference in my hair. and that difference is not good. currently i still take about 1.25 mg of finasteride every day and i probably use nizoral every other sometimes every two days...
  9. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - 2 month finasteride and nizoral update!! so a early update, still continuing to use finasteride and nizoral with no visible improvements but i cant really tell if its getting worse either. just started a new semester of college and this hair thing is always on my mind and definitely...
  10. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - 2 month finasteride and nizoral update!! so youve been on finasteride for one year and your hair still looks like mine? what did your hair look like before and how has your hair changed since using finasteride. i know im only on month 2 but im hoping for some improvements within the next...
  11. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - 2 month update well its been 2 months on finasteride and nizoral and i can say finasteride has definitely stopped any shedding on my head. there are virtually no sides maybe a sore ball or two like once a week. the only quarrel i have with this stuff is that i feel like im losing my...
  12. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (been on finasteride and nizoral for 1 month) before the gradual thinning of my hair it use to look pretty decent long and i would say this time last year my crown did not look like that at all i actually had nice filled in crown with zero signs of male pattern baldness. i used to be able and...
  13. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (been on finasteride and nizoral for 1 month) any thoughts?
  14. Bill Shakespeare

    Bill Shakespeare's Story - (5 month finasteride and nizoral update!!)

    Re: Bill Shakespeare's Story - (been on finasteride and nizoral for 1 month) So a little update, my hair is pretty much the same since baseline the only difference i would say is that my left temple seems to be receding alittle more than my right, my question to you guys is that have you heard about...