Recent content by bananabus

  1. B

    Considering taking a break from Avodart?

    Hello team, I am considering a break from Avodart after 6 years. I had a small but successful FUE transplant in 2013 followed by propecia (lots of shedding) then Avodart since 2015 which has really helped stabilise my hair. Little to no side effects but recently started experiencing fluid...
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    Shedding on Avodart after 6 awesome months.

    Just thought I'd follow up on this... 3 months on I'm bouncing back. It got worse before it started getting better but I'm finally comfortable again. I've started RU as well about a month ago but don't think that's been long enough to be the reason for the regrowth. i don't like taking...
  3. B

    RU58841 - Everclear Alcohol replacement

    I'm in the UK and although I can find MpG I can't find Everclear alcohol. will rubbing alcohol work instead? Not too convinced about Russian vodka.
  4. B

    Reporting my story as a 16/17 year old on dutasteride

    The effects of dutasteride peak at weak 24. You have to keep at it.
  5. B

    Switch from finasteride to dutasteride; Blood test in UK?

    Bruv, try buying Avodart from They can give you a prescription if you don't have one just tell them it's for hair loss. Good deals as well. I get 6 months supply for about 300 squids. When end I was on finasteride I had sheds every 2 months. Was on it for 15 months. Switched to dutasteride...
  6. B

    Success story: 6 Years + of battling

    Well done!
  7. B

    10 Months on Finasteride, switch to Dutasteride?

    I've switched from finasteride to dutasteride after 15 months. Had horrible sheds every 2 months on finasteride. It was devastating. been on dutasteride for 6 months now and just had my first shed. Bad but still better than finasteride sheds. I use minoxidil and Nizoral but to be quite honest I actually think minoxidil is doing more harm...
  8. B

    Hairloss is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.

    Dude, I know how you feel... Chris Martin was only in the biggest band in the world, two children and movie start trophy wife... Wayne Rooney makes £250k a week... Yet, both these guys were still unhappy every time they looked at themselves in the mirror every morning. That just goes to show...
  9. B

    WoW! Hair can really CHANGE THE WAY YOUR FACE LOOKS! I wish I had my JUVENILE hair loss =(

    I think it's weird for a grown *** man to have a boyish hairline. Ive had FUE but there's still a hint of side entrance, just enough to go in line with me age. Otherwise it'd look ridiculous.
  10. B

    Shedding vs miniaturisation

    About 3 months in. 0.5mg every day. Peaked in January. Started shedding 2 weeks ago. Hoping I'll bounce back soon.
  11. B

    zzzzz's 1 year dutasteride results

    Well done mate. I've been on dutasteride since August 2014 after 15 months on finasteride. Just had my first shed in 6 months. Hair is far superior on dutasteride then it was on finasteride.
  12. B

    My Story. Shedding after 2 years finasteride

    Deal with the stress first. The worst shed I ever had coincided with the news of a family member who had terminal cancer. ive had sheds again since but not as aggressive. Good luck.
  13. B

    Shedding vs miniaturisation

    Dude, 2 months after I started dutasteride I also started exercising with a personal trainer. Only 1hr a day 5 days a week. I heard somewhere that if you use up your DHT to increase muscle mass then it won't stick around to damage your hair. As I said... My hair was shedding every 2 months on finasteride. Had...
  14. B

    First shed on propecia after 10 months

    So long as you bounce back you'll be fine. I was shedding every other month in shed. Switched to dutasteride August last year and just had my first shed after 6 months of improvement. Bear ad in mind the psychological effect as well... I looked at pictures of my hair from 2009, 4 years before I...
  15. B

    Shedding vs miniaturisation

    Just realised I don't know the difference between the two of them. I consider 'shedding' when my hair density decreases. How can I tell if it's due to normal hair cycle shedding or if it's due to miniaturisation? Whats the difference exactly? Can you bounce back from one but now the other?