Recent content by AV

  1. AV

    AV's Story - (19yr old NW2,Pics)

    Re: AV's Story - 19yr old NW2 (Pics) i will try everything to save my hair.i hate going through this hairloss life should just now be starting and i am already confronted with this huge problem.i am not even 20 years old and my hair is already so weak.and the worst part is that i have...
  2. AV

    AV's Story - (19yr old NW2,Pics)

    Re: AV's Story - 19yr old NW2 (Pics) i am pretty sure that i have male pattern baldness.on these pictures my hairloss isn't very hairline has deteriorated few still grows there but its very tiny and barely noticeable.DHT is killing my existing hair and its stopping growth of new...
  3. AV

    1-year propecia

    you can use i bought 7 month supply of generic propecia really cheap from can order up to one year supply of any medications.this way you can save a lot of money on shipping fees.and you can also save a little more money by using this coupon code: 97054 :)
  4. AV

    AV's Story - (19yr old NW2,Pics)

    Hi all! i have been registered on this forum now over a year and i visited it very often but was lazy to post anything and i got answers to most questions that i wanted to ask by reading other peoples posts.I recently started to do something about my hairloss so i have decided to tell my story...