Recent content by andy2548

  1. andy2548

    Finasteride Is Causing More Hair Loss

    DO NOT QUIT You only quite taking finasteride if you notice some side effects. Shedding is a part of the treatment. Your thin hair are shedding to make room for more thicker hair to grow. So you don't have anything to worry about
  2. andy2548

    How Many Hairs Is It Normal To Shed In The Shower?

    Shedding a few hairs in the shower is normal. Whats not normal is when you notice your hair being thinner and notice lots of hair strands stuck between your fingers while you shampoo. It can be scary at first, but don't worry as there are treatment options available. I would recommend you visit...
  3. andy2548

    Side Effects After Taking Dutasteride For 2.5 Months (gyno)

    Hello everyone, this is my experience with Dutasteride, Keep in mind these side effects don't happen to everyone so don't be scared of taking the drug. I have been taking Dutasteride for nearly 2.5 months. And i did notice some sides. No, I didn't suffer from low libido while on Dutasteride...