Recent content by andfost

  1. A

    Please help! Does this look like male pattern baldness?

    here are some more. Basically, only my right side seems to be receeding. The left side is getting thinner but is still in the same place, if that makes sense. Also, I wish I had pictures of how my hair looked before the first pics in august were taken but basically, that big bald spot on the...
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    Please help! Does this look like male pattern baldness?

    I know that male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss but my hair seems to thinning at an exponential rate in a very strange pattern and not in the usual "M" shape hairline/circular pattern in crown area. I've attached some photos. Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
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    After years of beating the whole hair loss game....its finally happening

    Thanks for the feedback Agustin. I have heard of Finasteride and I kind of wanted to exhaust all my options before trying prescription medication. Do you think I will see results if I just use Minoxidil 5% and the Head and Shoulders/Nizoral shampoo? Also, should I cut back from using head and...
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    After years of beating the whole hair loss game....its finally happening

    For the longest time I have been known to have the fullest and thickest head of hair out of all my friends. My hair started shedding more and more a few years back but it always looked the same so I never worried about it...until now :( My friends would always ask me what my secret was and I...
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    Is Minoxidil foam alone worth the time/cost/initial shed?

    I'm somewhat in the same boat. I've always had good hair and my friends would always be jealous of my hair. As I saw their hair thinning more and more mine seemed to stay nice and thick. However...jus time has finally came and my hair is starting to thin from the back like the...
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    Shaved my head, and it's STILL hard to stay positive.

    at least you guys look better with a shaved head than I would. I've always had this noticeable dent in the back of my head so shaving, even a light trim is not an option.
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    Is oily hair a bad thing?

    I have always had oily hair and that is why I shampoo my hair everyday. I currently just use head and shoulders because of the 1% Pyrithione zinc and I swear I feel like its accelerating my shedding. I don't know how to feel but some say its normal