Recent content by aminnima

  1. aminnima

    Help Me Decide hair transplant Surgery? (final List )

    I read details of your list and it made me question why don't you considering to do this surgery abroad? You can find professional hair transplant specialist way more cheaper in countries like Iran and Turkey. Actually, one of my friends went there for doing his surgery and he was pretty...
  2. aminnima

    Benefits Of Coconut Water

    I like coconut water because it's really delicious.
  3. aminnima

    What To Do At A Girl’s House Besides Sex/tv?

    Read a book together! it's really interesting!
  4. aminnima

    Beard Hair For Transplant Experience Anyone?

    Hi Blakester, It depends on which method your surgeon use to transplant beard on your face. I had a beard transplant last year and it didn't leave any scar on my face. so research more about facial or head hair transplant techniques and choose a professional surgeon to reduce the risk of...