Recent content by accuwreck

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    someone please point me in the right direction

    I got off of accutane exactly 13 months ago. I got off early because I started shedding like a dog. I thought it would stop all it did was slow down after 6 months. For past 7 months I've been losing like 30-50 hairs a day. I decided to start finpecia just incase it was male pattern baldness. Ive been on it for...
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    Anyone else amazed at how haphazard hairloss treatment is in 2013?

    lol "I think we will have a cure in 5-7 years" people have been saying that for 20 years now
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    Regrowth or miniturization?

    Im in the same exact situation here
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    is this success?

    hello all, So my hair started shedding about ten months ago. About 6 months into my shed I would see dozens of little hairs on my hair line. It seemed like these hairs would never grow about 2mm. When I started finasteride from in house on month ten (about 5 weeks ago) I noticed new hairs on my hair...
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    Secrethero89's Log, 12 Months Journey, Added More Pictures, Comments are Welcome

    hey man get off the Accutane, its widely known to cause hair loss. Its actually why I am here. Your hair loss even looks like mine.
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    So I'm 22 and losing my hair at a rapid pace

    hey watsup man. I too got hair loss from Accutane. Mine is really diffuse and yours seem to be concentrated in the tempals/crown. Do you think your hair loss today is still form the Accutane or do you think its progressed into mbp?
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    21 Year Old Aggressive Diffuse Thinning

    your hair is still decent. Im a diffuse thinner as well. 21 years old been thinning for about 11 months. Your thinning resembles mine alot. You should try toppik and dermatch. They can conceal the thinning pretty well. I still get away these days with out people even noticing.
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    about to start propecia for accutane hair loss

    Just an update. I have been on finasteride for about 1 month now. I am still seeing the same amount of hairs lost in the shower. However I have also started to see more thin/light hairs shed. Does any know what this means? Also My hair in general feels alot stronger when I tug on it. Im not sure if this...
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    about to start propecia for accutane hair loss

    Yes of course. However I believe I was predisposed to male pattern baldness and Telogen Effluvium from accutane started my genetic hair loss sooner. Hence why I am taking finpecia now to see if it will combat the dht and halt hair loss. Again im looking for help from members who had hair loss due to accutane or members who had...
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    about to start propecia for accutane hair loss

    Well you tell me what this is. I'm 21. Was on accutane for 3 months and all of a sudden I was shedding 150 hairs a day . From all over back , sides and top. Literally everywhere. It's slowed down to like 50 a day after 10 months but now I see it is more concentrated in my crown but still shed a...
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    about to start propecia for accutane hair loss

    So Ive been shedding diffusely ever since stopping Accutane ten months ago. It has slowed down after 6 months to about 50 hairs a day from the 100 hair it first was. I just started propecia. Well actually finpecia. Im taking .25 mg a day. Im probally gonna do that for a month and than take .33 a...
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    How can I get propecia?

    Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it
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    How can I get propecia?

    Hello all, Im kind of new to this. How can I get a propecia script? I dont have health insurance or a general family doctor. Do I just go and find any local dermatologist to get a script or to some place like hair club or bosley?
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    Post Accutane hair loss, propecia and rogaine?

    Hello all, Just a quick summary. I was deployed to Afghanistan when I was 19 and i was living in the middle of the desert there and started breaking out real bad. I got some accuatne prescribed when i came home for my 2 weak break. I went back to my base but did not start using it till my last 3...