Recent content by AcceptingIt

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    How old is this girl? I am curious about her age because while there are plenty of women who have good heads on their shoulders young, a lot of them still have plenty growing up to do. Some teenage girls and 20 somethings live in a fantasty world where they expect all guys to have hair on their...
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    I hate commercials

    You know, I don't get bent out of shape at most of these because they really don't portray hair loss people as bad. That said, the Nikon one with Ashton Kutcher will have me NEVER buying any of their crap, ever again. Seriously, that is just wrong. I just love the stupidity of some of these...
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    If any lurkers read this message, trust me, do NOT waste your time going to ANY doctor about your hair. You are wasting money. I learned the hardway. If you want propecia, order it online. If you want information about hair loss, go to these boards. You learn more about hair loss in these places...
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    I dated a girl I was not attracted to.

    EXACTLY. I love how guys come on here and are all sad about people being superficial yet their biggest struggle with hair loss is that they think it stops them from getting "hot" chicks. The hypocrisy is overwhelming.
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    Larry David article on bald men...

    I thik Larry David is really hung up on his baldness. He talks about it quite a lot. He goes on Letterman and he mentions it. On his own TV show it is a recurring topic. His message to support cancer, again, about baldness. I think some of the things he says are true, but one thing that grinds...
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    Big girls and balding guys

    Wow, just wow. It is stuff like this that drives guys like us to these boards. How could you not have a complex about your hairloss when these are the experiences you are delt in life. :( You'd think as a society we'd eventually evolve past the point where your worth is determined by your...
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    Why shouldn't I...

    s.a.f. I first started wearing a ball cap back in high school because it was the “in†thing to do. After a while I guess it started to become a convenience for me because I never had to style my frizzy hair all the time. You see, half my hair lays flat while the other seems to stick up...
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    Why shouldn't I...

    I find it funny that you equate wearing a hat to being, as you said, “50 cent.†Well, I assure you that I am not 50 cent or resemble anything remotely close to “hip hop.†Nor am I a “wanna be†rapper. I think you made a very invalid generalization. I realize everyone walks a different...
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    Why shouldn't I...

    Hi, Long time lurker who has to chime in this “hat†thing. First, I don’t get what the big deal is about a hat. Since my youth I have ALWAYS worn a ballcap. ALWAYS. It’s been part of my look for the decades when I did not even have a hair problem. In fact, those who know me would find...