Recent content by 667

  1. 6

    Follicular Unit Extraction in the Los Angeles area.

    Looking for info concerning Follicular Unit Extraction in the Los Angeles area. Prices, warnings, referrals. Willing to travel. 39 yo. Thinning on top, hairline, crown. Plenty of donor hair but do not want strip scars. Minoxidil Used proscar but stopped due to lowering of sex drive.
  2. 6

    EX Proscar newbie seeks answers...

    Newbie: I don't know what dutasteride is...
  3. 6

    EX Proscar newbie seeks answers...

    Nope. Broke it into 4 and took it once a day. Pain in the *** to break down but cheaper. Not saying this happens to all users but I believe that we want this to work so bad that we overlook the negative side effects. I want to keep my hair because I believe I look better and it helps me...
  4. 6

    Propecia and my overwhelming sex drive

    Re: Propecia and my sex drive - Strong Language Warning Hello All, Proscar grew an abundance of new hair on my head, reduced the hair that was growing on my back but utterly destroyed my sex life. Decimated it. Really. It was not worth the new growth. In the beginning sex drive was...
  5. 6

    Considering Propecia. Any experiences or info to share?

    Proscar side effects Sorry to say... Proscar grew hair on my head, reduced back hair and utterly deicimated my sex drive and quality of sex. Stopped the pill and feeling like my old self. Any suggestions for a topical DHT blocker?
  6. 6

    EX Proscar newbie seeks answers...

    Hello All, FYI: Proscar grew an abundance of new hair on my head, reduced the hair that was growing on my back but utterly destroyed my sex life. Decimated it. Really. It was not worth the new growth. Six months later I'm off the pills and I'm back to my old horny self. Hair is starting...