Maral Clinic, 2100 Fue, With Photos And sh*t


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I dont have a lot of time right now, so I will go as quickly as possible:

I went for a Maral FUE. I wanted to move forward the hairline and increase density of top of the head. They told me they could not increase density in top of the head (the process of "cuts" may damage native hair there), only move fordward the hearline, so I went ok. Original estimation was about 3000 grafts, but then in situ about 2000 grafts. Cost 1800€.

About the clinic, it was way better than what I imagined based on internet comments. It is a kind of big street clinic, with good quality stuff (I think they do about 3 clients per day, six days a week, all in cash (paying way less taxes), and that in Turkey must be like a shitload of money.

Maral is more like a business man, the real doctor so to speak is the famous "green eyes girl", which has been there since the begining of the clinic. She does the process of "opening cuts", which is the process that requires a specialist, and also is the one that draws the hairline and tells you what can be done and what not.

Before going with Maral I asked Erdogan. He calculated about 3000 drafts for the hairline and asked about 7000e. Even if it has a guaranty that if 90% of the grafts dont stuck he repeats the operation for free, for me 7000e just like that is too much.

About the operation, I was scared of reading things like they smoke/eat during the operation and stuff like that. Well, the process was not like that. It was a standard medical procedure and It felt "professional". They did a test before the intervention (they extract a few hairs and implant them), you dont feel sh*t with the anesthesy, proper bandages, good quality equipment, etc. In this sense I dont expect more from a clinic in Spain, and it didnt look like I was in Turkey (Turkey has things like India, with kids asking money to turist, ants in the icecream machine of the coffeshop, people driving in total chaos, bad quality food, the 5 star hotel looks more like a huge 1 star hotel to me) but the clinic could be perfectly be in Spain.

I meet two other guys for my operation. One was a Brazilian guy who wanted to increase density of another FUE (2000 grafts for you, sire), and the other was a Poland dude who took a massive 4500 drafts of something like that. Brazilian guy and I were for 3 hours of operation, Poland dude was about 6 hours.

We had a rest after 1.5hours of operation and at the end a meal in the clinic (which was a good meal)

For my post-operatory, I sprayed the recipient area as soon as I arrived to the hotel with mineral water about each 20minutes or so to eliminate blood and avoid big black crusts. When they removed the bandages, I applied Nivea body cream in the donor area like two times per day.

For first hair wash, I recomend using a Nivea Mousse spray to moisturize instead of any cream. I tried with creams but I could not wash them off just by tapping water. This mousse stuff also works for the donor area.

This is my procedure of after care, and it is a different of the products they give me at Maral (they told me not to spray water, and give me a cream to moisturice instead of my mousse spray).

Am I happy with the proccesure?
I dont know yet. I have to wait to see the final results.

I am a little tired of writting so here are the photos (they are mostly from 1 week after operation)


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By the way, in Turkey you dont have access to p**rn or Wikipedia, so I have to masturbate with cartoons and gifs.

I stayed in the hotel for about 1 week, paying 60e por night. Maral payed the first 3 nights. I asked if I could go to a less expensive hotel, and they told me I could, but that I would not like the quality. If a 5 stars hotel looked like a 1 star hotel, I think they were right.

The only "high quality" part of the hotel was the reception. The rooms where... depressing...

And they have a problem with light bulbs in turkey. I dont know if they dont want to expend money in electricity, or if they just like to live in "penumbra".

I used the time to rest, play video games (finished Deux Ex and Dishonored) and check my hair like a f*****g obsesive compulsive piece of sh*t


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Yep, mi ser españolo (joke).

A few more things, in the clinik we where offered to have Richeted Plasma inyections (it is that crap where they took blood from you, it is centrifuged, they add calcium and some other crap and inyect it in the scalp). We all three mosketeers went on with it, it cost 100e more, but at this point we didnt care about money and sh*t because we are doing a cheap hair transplant in a third world country and we are rich europeans (?).

The brazilian guy asked for that kind of FUE where they leave your hair long. They did it and didnt ask for any extra money. Lol.

It is funny because Maral doesnt do any marketing about these things. It is more like a f*****g surprise after another.

I also had a Turkish coffe in the clinic because I didnt want any of that Nespresso Robin Williams/Adam Shatler piece of sh*t coffe. I want real good coffe. And I didnt knew turkish coffe was a thing. So it was like a black coffe with more taste, but also with a sedimentary layer of 1cm thick at the bottom that tastes like sh*t and I didnt knew If I had to eat it or what. But it was okey and better than Nespresso capsules of my ***.

Still I preffer normal coffe.


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8th day post operation.

Today first hair wash with mild rubbing instead of gently tapping (sounds like Android versions...)

A lot of crust has fallen, like 75%. And also many hairs that look like beard hair (like cut by a razor) or where join to the crusts. I checked to see if I could find any folly follicle, but I dont know how follicles look like (a tiny black ball???).

The change in the area after the washup is huge. Before it was very dark, now it looks like a low density hair area (you can see the hairs individually).

So... everything is according to plan and I want some icecream!


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I think it is very well. I took a lot of care during post operatory, keeping it moisturize all day with Nivea body lotion cream and since the moment I took the bandages off.

The photo is day 8. I had a case of heavy itching in day 4-5 (I had to take Paracetamol just for the itching). I am still putting mostiruzer now from 1-2 times per day.


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After a second wash I am 100% free of scabs.

Ive use a little of capilar fibers and capilar makeup to "camouflage" the whole thing. Since the process of applying these things is more gentle than the washup (which is like a very soft rubbing in circles with lots of care) I am not worried of "pulling" or "mistreat" the hairs. And It does not itch.

The point is that at these stage, I dont think I need to tell anyone about any hair transplant thing. It is day 9 since operation.

By my planning, I though that at this point I would look life a monster. I am glad I am not :D


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