I created an AI that can detect your hair loss.


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I wanted to share a new tool I've created called TrichoAI. It uses AI to analyze scalp photos to help detect different types of hair loss.

What makes it different is that it was developed with guidance from dermatologists and trained on a huge database of over 20,000 images. The goal is to enable early detection and personalized insights for individuals.

Privacy was also a top priority in building it. It's a free tool that I genuinely believe could help many people in this community better understand their hair loss situation.

I'm still working on improving it, so I'm interested in getting feedback on people's experiences using TrichoAI. Give it a try if you're comfortable and let me know your thoughts!

You can access it by searching for: TrichoAI

Or, scan this QR:


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It's androgenetic alopecia. 99% of the time all the time it's the frickin horse shoe disease.

Hairline receding? Androgenetic alopecia

Thinning on the crown? Androgenetic alopecia

It's so extremely rare that you would have any other kind of alopecia and you would know very obviously if you did without an app