Hair system or continue with treatment?


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Hello all,

I have been using minoxidil for years, and just currently started Finasteride MWF for about 3 weeks. 1mg.

I have heard a lot about hair systems and it’s something that im contemplating to do. However, i am worried that if i go with a hair system, the medication will no longer help. Is it possible for my to regrow my hair? Or am i too far gone? Also, i think its getting worse since i started finasteride due to shredding, which i know its normal. If there is no hope for my own hair to regrow, then i wouldn’t have an issue with getting a system, but is there still a chance then i wouldn’t the system to be in the way of new hair regrowing. I have been using hair fibers for years but at this point its getting really messy and fibers dont help with my forehead looking really big due to losing my hairline.

The question is if i continue with Finasteride or just get a hair system. Is anyone on both?

I have been battling with this thoughts for weeks .

Ps: some of the pictures i posted i have minoxidil in my hair, thats why it looks wet)


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Finasteride just retains the hair you have for a while but even that doesn't work well after a while. You could try a hair system and stay on the Finasteride and see if you like the hair system. The goal is to maintain as much as possible until something better comes along.


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Sorry to hear that you've been battling these thoughts for a long time, hair loss does cause all of us a lot of anguish.

Did the monoxidil help you at all, has it stopped any further loss from your starting position? It never agreed with me, it didn't make my hair any better, didn't stop further loss and just made my body hair thicker.

Finasteride did pretty much stop further loss for 10 years for me but I've had to stop it due to trying for a baby.

In the first couple of pictures you have a bit of a combover and if you're OK with this hair style you can use finasteride to continue it for potentially several years. In your other pics it looks like you have more significant loss.

Wearing a hair piece while on finasteride won't impact your existing hair but don't expect much if any regrowth with finasteride, as mentioned above it just helps to maintain your hair for a long time. It's a big regret of mine that I didn't start it in my early 20s.

If you are not happy with your current hair don't expect any miracles with finasteride and go for a system if you are comfortable going that route. The other option is to go for a buzz cut/shave.


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Sorry to hear that you've been battling these thoughts for a long time, hair loss does cause all of us a lot of anguish.

Did the monoxidil help you at all, has it stopped any further loss from your starting position? It never agreed with me, it didn't make my hair any better, didn't stop further loss and just made my body hair thicker.

Finasteride did pretty much stop further loss for 10 years for me but I've had to stop it due to trying for a baby.

In the first couple of pictures you have a bit of a combover and if you're OK with this hair style you can use finasteride to continue it for potentially several years. In your other pics it looks like you have more significant loss.

Wearing a hair piece while on finasteride won't impact your existing hair but don't expect much if any regrowth with finasteride, as mentioned above it just helps to maintain your hair for a long time. It's a big regret of mine that I didn't start it in my early 20s.

If you are not happy with your current hair don't expect any miracles with finasteride and go for a system if you are comfortable going that route. The other option is to go for a buzz cut/shave.
Thank you for your reply. Tbh im not sure wether minoxidil was helping or not. I have been using the foam for so long. But i do have to say the i believe finasteride made it worse. My crown area was not that bald before starting finasteride. What is pushing me through the hair system is the fear of side effects from finasteride. I have a history of depression and anxiety. I take SSRI. Sometimes i just feel so depressed that im not sure wether is the finasteride or my own condition. I also feel like I cannot gain any muscle as i did before. I have read studies and it seems Finasteride doesnt affect your muscles but i don’t understand why my body is reacting this way. I used to have muscular arms and now they look skinny and saggy. I might try lowering the dosage to see if that helps.


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Choosing between a hair system and continuing with hair loss treatment depends on your circumstances and priorities.

Hair System:
  • Pros:
    • Immediate results: Provides the appearance of thicker hair immediately.
    • Conceals hair loss: Offers a solution if you're uncomfortable with the visibility of hair loss.
    • Variety of styles: Hair systems come in various styles and densities to match your natural hair.
    • Low maintenance (compared to some treatments): Once applied, hair systems require minimal daily maintenance.
  • Cons:
    • Cost: Hair systems can be expensive, with ongoing costs for maintenance and replacements.
    • Upkeep: Requires regular cleaning, attachment adjustments, and potential styling depending on the system.
    • Not a permanent solution: Hair loss will continue underneath the system.
    • Potential discomfort: Wearing a hair system might feel uncomfortable, especially during hot weather or while sleeping.
    • Risk of scalp irritation: If not properly cared for, the adhesive used to attach the system can irritate your scalp.
Continuing with Treatment:
  • Pros:
    • Potentially addresses the underlying cause: Treatments like PRP or medication might address the root cause of hair loss and promote new hair growth.
    • More permanent solution: Successful treatments can lead to a more permanent improvement in hair density.
    • Cost-effective (potentially): While some treatments can be expensive upfront, they might be more cost-effective in the long run compared to ongoing hair system maintenance.
  • Cons:
    • Slower results: Hair loss treatments often take time to show noticeable results, requiring patience and commitment.
    • Uncertain success: The effectiveness of treatments can vary depending on the cause of hair loss and individual factors.
    • Maintenance: Some treatments require ongoing maintenance to sustain results.
    • Potential side effects: Some medications used for hair loss treatment can have side effects.



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Thank you for your reply. Tbh im not sure wether minoxidil was helping or not. I have been using the foam for so long. But i do have to say the i believe finasteride made it worse. My crown area was not that bald before starting finasteride. What is pushing me through the hair system is the fear of side effects from finasteride. I have a history of depression and anxiety. I take SSRI. Sometimes i just feel so depressed that im not sure wether is the finasteride or my own condition. I also feel like I cannot gain any muscle as i did before. I have read studies and it seems Finasteride doesnt affect your muscles but i don’t understand why my body is reacting this way. I used to have muscular arms and now they look skinny and saggy. I might try lowering the dosage to see if that helps.

I never got any negative effects from Finasteride apart from ED which went away after a week, my performance in the gym was unchanged whilst I used it. You said you have a history of depression so it might just be that, maybe finasteride is making it worse, if it is then don't take it.

As I mentioned if you are happy rocking your current hairstyle for a while then finasteride is an option, if you absolutely hate how you look then the hair system would be an option but test it out.

I'm of an Indian background and wore a turban to disguise my hair loss but after almost two years of wearing it I didn't like having something on my head all of the time. It caused me bad itching and when I did finally stop wearing it my dandruff was extremely bad, I needed a medicated shampoo to fix it. So do a test with the hair system before committing full time. I could never wear one due to the issues mentioned above.


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Finasteride has been working pretty well for me recently... I would also like to recommend that you have a look at the service from for example. I am sure that you will find some interesting and working stuff for you there, good luck!
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