Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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sadly my insurance is garbage atm so I can't really see one. anyone else know ways to increase aromatase activity?
try bicalutamide with soy products and flax seed??


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You are one dense mf… im diffuse thinning and no, my hair is not light brown its dark brown but thinning made it lighter.
As seen in pictures compared to my moms father we have exact same pattern.
(lower left grandpa,lower right me in 2015,upper right 3months ago,upper left me in 2020) its a slow balding but its balding.

Also look at this post if you need further close-ups. Maybe thats your problem you cant recognize hairloss until you have no hair left lol.
Hey Dani how is your energy levels on bica/duta combo?? Are you planning on staying on bicalutamide for ever?


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You are one dense mf… im diffuse thinning and no, my hair is not light brown its dark brown but thinning made it lighter.
As seen in pictures compared to my moms father we have exact same pattern.
(lower left grandpa,lower right me in 2015,upper right 3months ago,upper left me in 2020) its a slow balding but its balding.

Also look at this post if you need further close-ups. Maybe thats your problem you cant recognize hairloss until you have no hair left lol.
You can clearly see diffused hair loss pattern on top of head on the photos. Early stage, but it is still alopecia. I have similar pattern but also receeding hairline.


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You are one dense mf… im diffuse thinning and no, my hair is not light brown its dark brown but thinning made it lighter.
As seen in pictures compared to my moms father we have exact same pattern.
(lower left grandpa,lower right me in 2015,upper right 3months ago,upper left me in 2020) its a slow balding but its balding.

Also look at this post if you need further close-ups. Maybe thats your problem you cant recognize hairloss until you have no hair left lol.
The only thing dense is your hair. MAYBE just maybe what you’re seeing is your hair mature as you age. If your grandfather had a full head of hair, the quality of it now would not be as nice as in his twenties. Skin, hair, muscle, bones all go through changes as we get older.

Hop on some finasteride and go about your life. Trust me, it’s not worth sitting on here for the next 10 years…


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The only thing dense is your hair. MAYBE just maybe what you’re seeing is your hair mature as you age. If your grandfather had a full head of hair, the quality of it now would not be as nice as in his twenties. Skin, hair, muscle, bones all go through changes as we get older.

Hop on some finasteride and go about your life. Trust me, it’s not worth sitting on here for the next 10 years…
Mature hair is a bald man's cope

Mr. Slap Head

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Hahaha first 2 weeks are hell for some people including me,then it subsides and only thing that persists is harder to reach orgasm. Im on it on and off since 2014. Its a life saver and only thing pushing me thru college, it just takes 1month+ to work fully tho. Start low with 25-50mg then up your dosage if needed because I once went straight to 100mg and almost blacked out and got arythmia in 4am with blood pressure 190/90. o_O
If pyrilutamide comes out and is as powerful as is theorized, you may no longer need Zoloft, hopefully


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Is Bicalutamide more effective than CPA in treating male pattern baldness? If yes, then why?


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Hey everyone, I want to quit HRT even tho I got good results. Do you think dutasteride + spironolactone 100 are enough to maintain what I got?


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For those guys who position themselves as males and on HRT/something stronger than Big 3: have you decided on a surgeon to remove your gynecomastia? What will you do if the doctor prescribes you a course of tamoxifen after the surgery is done? Will you say that you are treating baldness and that this drug would be counterproductive in your case?

I'm wondering if there are any doctors in this area who are familiar with patients who are on medication for baldness. There must be a specialized approach to such patients, I don't know...

P. S. Are there any patients on this forum who have successfully undergone gynecomastia surgery and continued anti-hairloss treatment? Thanks in advance.
Братан, за деньги удалят на похуй, думаю даже вопросов не будет. Я скажу, что давно появилась, ничего не знаю, удалите, вот мои деньги. Ну или упомяну, что у меня когда-то был гормональный дизбаланс из-за приема препаратов — на самом деле, хирурга это ебать не должно. Специализированного подхода нет, точно так же вырезается железа и лечишься дальше. Я постараюсь весной сделать.


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C доктором уже определился? Я подумываю сделать в Европке, меньше шансов нарваться на какого-нибудь мясника.
В РФ преувеличивают различия между врачами в Европке и России. В России куча хороших врачей, в компетенции не уступающих. Да и операция простая.
С доктором не определился, буду в пределах 50к смотреть в Новосибирске.


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It's a funny fact that Russians believe that Europe and America have a significantly higher level of medicine, although even this forum confirms that doctors are idiots in all parts of the world. But Russians are ready to overpay thousands of dollars for the sake of an eminent doctor from Europe. Even if we are talking about simple operations, although in Russia they cope with complex ones, they do heart transplants, etc. Fortunately, there are many smart and qualified people in the country who, for some reason, are not seen on this forum ...


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It's a funny fact that Russians believe that Europe and America have a significantly higher level of medicine, although even this forum confirms that doctors are idiots in all parts of the world. But Russians are ready to overpay thousands of dollars for the sake of an eminent doctor from Europe. Even if we are talking about simple operations, although in Russia they cope with complex ones, they do heart transplants, etc. Fortunately, there are many smart and qualified people in the country who, for some reason, are not seen on this forum ...
I have a friend from Siberia and he is disappointed by German doctors. I'm even looking to maybe get FFS in Russia.


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For those guys who position themselves as males and on HRT/something stronger than Big 3: have you decided on a surgeon to remove your gynecomastia? What will you do if the doctor prescribes you a course of tamoxifen after the surgery is done? Will you say that you are treating baldness and that this drug would be counterproductive in your case?

I'm wondering if there are any doctors in this area who are familiar with patients who are on medication for baldness. There must be a specialized approach to such patients, I don't know...

P. S. Are there any patients on this forum who have successfully undergone gynecomastia surgery and continued anti-hairloss treatment? Thanks in advance.
I did half a year ago. No prescriptions after, only antibiotics for one week.
But without a complete removal gyno goes back slowly even on 2mg E2 or bica + duta.


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I did half a year ago. No prescriptions after, only antibiotics for one week.
But without a complete removal gyno goes back slowly even on 2mg E2 or bica + duta.
I saw you used E2 + CPA/spironolactone in the past. Now you stopped it? Do you have any side effects now? Testicles athrophy, sexual problems, feminization etc?


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Good for you, zoloft made me so much better person,it completely changes my personality for better. There is even studies to support that claim. Im much more assertive with people and not afraid of any action I take (think approaching girls or public speaking,I now voluntary seek those situations)
Good luck.
how are u on 5mg oral min without sides


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I saw you used E2 + CPA/spironolactone in the past. Now you stopped it? Do you have any side effects now? Testicles athrophy, sexual problems, feminization etc?
Only slight feminization of the face, now I look younger and the chest hairs have gone.


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E2 gave me energy and strong emotions. I felt amazing while on HRT

In my normal state I generally feel tired and empty with little to no emotion, nothing bothers me, I don’t get angry or sad, just empty, but it’s not depression, that’s just how i feel with Testosterone in my body.
This matches my experience. I became more sentimental, gentle, I often want to hug someone, it is easier for me to cry, I began to feel emotions. These mental changes are also due to the fact that I have changed in general, but I realized that there is definitely a contribution of estrogen to this. It is difficult to assess how significant it is in percentage terms
I am scared to give up on E, because I would not want to become dead inside. Before, I had no emotions at all and never even smiled, I was devastated, and everything looked gray and empty. I do not want to return to this world and I hope that estrogen has had a small effect on these changes and I will remain so.