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  • Hey worm
    Just have a quick question about zix (couldnt find the answer on the main thread). I could only find on my local store zinc picolinate 20mg... Does it really have to be zinc sulphate?
    Again, quick google search says that zinc picolinate is easierly absorbed than zinc sulphate

    Anyway, I will give it a try. On the b6 p5p, there is no problem finding that stuff
    Absolute needs to be zinc sulphate. Try ebay or amazon, last resort try googling it.
    Hmmm such a wierd specificity. Thanks for the heads up!
    I would not dermaroll. But I have no real understanding of it. I have heard of those trying it with zix, and shedding. Stick to what works.
    Tbh I have no idea. It seems to have worked for @Ezekiel2019 but I cant say how itll work for others.
    Hey worm, hoping to get a little help from you. Been reading a lot about zix lately and i have a couple of quick questions.
    Question 1:I have just started derma rolling and was wondering if this using zix in conjunction is wise?
    Question 2: what is your optinion on super zix 2? Do you beleive there is any value in using this over the original zix formula? I
    Hey mate, I am early days of hair loss and saw the info about Zix and wanted to give it a go, only problem is im from Australia and can not get zinc sulfate from anywhere. Only places I have found to have it don't ship to Australia. Can you use just normal zinc supplements, is there a difference between the 2.
    Cheers !
    Hey man!

    Regarding zix. I'm wondering what happens if you stop using it ? Is it like the others that if you stop you start loosing your hair fast? Like a life long commitment in that sense. Is there any sides?

    Are you happy with the results? I'm after something to maintain my hair not regrow . Would you recommend it ?

    Thank you!
    Regard Mattias
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