Recent content by Unlucky93

  1. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    Messaging random women on Facebook is very autistic and creepy, but I'm not surprised that that's something you partake in. Also, "not trying to be attractive" is a great way of saying unattractive lmao Do you come from a broken home? Have you ever been formally diagnosed with anything?
  2. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    I can guarantee you've never had a girlfriend. I can also pretty much guarantee that you collect jars of your own ejaculate and probably have a pee drawer, too.
  3. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    You rated yourself an 8. You're literally retarded.
  4. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    I'm not frustrated by the thread or topic. I'm not even saying that there's no weight behind the theory. It's just stupid when people say "hE hAs a SyMmeTriCaL jAw, So hE'lL nEvEr gO bALd." Hairloss and the reasons behind it are obviously nuanced and multifaceted. Also, when Mitko1 first...
  5. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    You mean to tell me attractiveness is subjective and not based on some autistic scale??
  6. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    I concur. The hairstyle you have is very 70s Jimmy Saville/ABBA vibes. Also the neckbeard has gotta go and the chapstick needs to come. 100% @nimayazdani78 is an alt. I honestly feel sorry for Richie. Gets spammed with nonsense on the regular, then gets called ugly lmaoooo.
  7. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    "My moustache infection has gone" = My herpes has cleared up* Why are you on a hairloss forum if you're not worried about hairloss? I liken it to Edward Norton's character in Fight Club attending cancer groups, despite not having cancer. Just like you, he too suffered from mental health issues...
  8. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    Riiiight. Everyone else is delusional? Maybe people call you handsome because clearly you're not quite right mentally and they're trying to make you feel good? Either that or the voices in your hair are becoming a little too real. I never said you were bad looking - I merely pointed out a few...
  9. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    Hahahahaha you gave Beckham a 6 and yourself an 8? Slightly downsyndrome looking with a piggy nose, scrawny neck, a pimple, and coldsores. 4/10.
  10. U

    Aaron Taylor Johnson New James Bond

    I've only seen him in Kick A**, so hard for me to see him as the suave Mr Bond, but I'm just glad the part went to a British actor. Wouldn't have minded Idris Elba, but call me old fashioned... I like my Bonds white.
  11. U

    Eminem/marshall Mathers Hair Loss Thread

    Jesus. His face looks like it's been prepped for an open casket by an amateur funeral director. No clue if he uses toppik, but he definitely dyes his hair and beard, which always looks weird when you get to a certain age.
  12. U

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    Richie's face everytime this fruitloop tags him to tell him about some woman's face he saw on Google or to declare his preference on women's pubes