Recent content by Jakejr

  1. J

    New treatments coming out 2024 or max 2025.

    The problem with all these treatments is the subject taking these treatments have different biologies. What works in a Petri dish or a mouse is vastly different than a male human being. That’s why most of these treatments are like adding Miracle Gro to a plant soaked in Roundup., Roundup is...
  2. J

    What happened to hair loss forums in general?

    Yes .. this site used to be great… Now it’s so-so… I’m back on & I receive the weekly most popular.. But this weeks I got the email.. but when I clicked on a topic .. the page never loaded .at least for 20 seconds.. So basically something doesn’t work right again., However even with these...
  3. J

    My hairline will not grow any longer that about an inch an a half lone . Need advice .

    Because your hairs are in the non-growing stage of hair growth
  4. J

    Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

    This is at best a result of too much androgen in a man’s system which has some physical repercussions. It has nothing to do with what causes male pattern baldness
  5. J

    Finally got my Sebderm under control and was able to start topical finasteride/Min. Is it too late? age 35

    It’s never too late.. Excess sebum is an indication of too much androgens.. which is an indication of male pattern baldness..
  6. J

    Very high adrenal androgens + finasteride/dutasteride

    Don’t obsess over gyno., It can be prevented.. but very interesting to me adrenal androgens. Have to research… how did you test for that & what was cost..
  7. J

    Magnesium Oil (Spray) and dermarolling?

    I tried magnesium.. It’s a very small plus. By itself it will do nothing .. I even took a mineral test which showed I had high magnesium levels. For men you need to take an androgen blocker first to see any real results. Spirolactone 200 mg a day.. you’ll start regrowing hair..Magnesium after is...
  8. J

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Duasteride targets one male androgen while RAISING testosterone levels. It doesn’t target all the other male androgens—& that seems to be the problem & reason for its ineffectiveness in some males.
  9. J

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    For most men the traditional regimens don’t work. That isn’t to say they can’t work. The will work if the androgen levels come down. If you are a healthy male with decent hair in your teens & now you are becoming a man & male hormones are peaking .. you look great.. no problem.. But you...
  10. J

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    If one wants to try adjusting hormones .,. The easiest way is to take Spirolactone. This is what doctors prescribe to women losing their hair. Why? Because it works. They are prescribed 200 mg per day. It’s it largely harmless. It knocks down male androgens. Bare in minds these types of drugs...
  11. J

    Eye floaters while on OM

  12. J

    I’ve been on dutesteride and oral minoxidil for two years now and I’ve only lost ground… 25m What should I do?

    That’s my experience… I can speculate to as why.. I think the mitigate DHT or minoxidil protocol only does so much, often next to nothing.. Therefore we have to try something else. Right now I am testing Spirolactone. It is definitely mitigating any adult acne, thus cutting skin sebum. Started...
  13. J

    Topical Finasteride in the United States

    Topical Finasteride is double the cost of Topical Duasteride & less least where I get it.. I never had any sides..
  14. J

    Topical Finasteride in the United States

    I have bottles & bottles of liquid Duasteride & a kilo of minoxidil sulfate. With all that just modest gains. I mix a stronger dose min powder in the Duasteride for topical application & light dose in taking it by mouth. I decided to basically soak the scalp with the topical as opposed to a...
  15. J

    Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji

    When is this speculation going to offer concrete results to everyday people. Things happening in a laboratory often have little significance unless tested on everyday persons…