Recent content by Fanjeera

  1. Fanjeera

    10 years results. Do safe DHT resistant follicles become sensitive in the new area they are transplanted to? Is hair transplant good for only Nw3?

    I understand all surgeons want you to stay on finasteride forever and that might not just be because you've still got hair on the top that needs keeping, but it might be because the safe follicles become DHT resistant in the new area. So is hair transplant pointless in the end? You will lose the...
  2. Fanjeera

    Doctor Dentist Hospital How To Hide It ?

    Their eyes are somewhere else. It's incredible how many people who even work on your face don't actually look and notice. My most scary moment was before a music video, where I had to have my hair bended into a really extreme hairstyle. The stylist was inside the mess with her hands, spraying...
  3. Fanjeera

    no need to use the word toupee, wig or system: transplant is also okay, if your system hair is made of natural hair from another human or species

    Transplants can be attached in medicine using adhesives. Their name doesn't change due to that: they are still transplant. I've heard men who wear hair say that they only got a transplant, nothing else, and I've considered that lying, but I was wrong. It is correct to call this a transplant. The...
  4. Fanjeera

    My experience as a student living with a hair system from age 21 to 25 (4 year update)

    Have you got caught? People in university can still be quite hairgrabbing. Parties may still be happening often. Have you told your partners? How did they react?
  5. Fanjeera

    Enrique Iglesias... wig?

    That guy used to be so influencial i think young men even used to style their own hair like him. He has done a great job normalizing the hidden hairline look.
  6. Fanjeera

    Is hair system on the crown and hair transplant in the front a good idea for good looking hair?

    Joe Biden's hair basically would be perfect. How many cm-s of front does he have?
  7. Fanjeera

    Does anyone here even use full head bond with liquid adhesive besides me?

    Not securely attached. I think Ghostbond is the healthiest option looking at the ingredients.
  8. Fanjeera

    Is hair system on the crown and hair transplant in the front a good idea for good looking hair?

    I wouldn't be ashamed of if people saw i've had a transplant. Shame is only in wearing a hair system. As bases shrink with age anyway, I get 2 cm-s of recession with systems. That 2 cm-s could be filled. It's a recessed shape hairline I have now, so at first could only start filling the temples...