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Tag "VEGF"

A Look at HairCell: Company & Claims 0

HairCell is a new treatment for hair loss currently in pre-clinical stages. We take a look at the device, the company, and the claims being made about its ability to grow hair…

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VEGF Now Available as a Hair Loss Treatment

Last month we announced the press release regarding a new protein which has been proven in recent studies done on mice to increase the diameter of hair when applied topically.

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Thoughts on VEGF – Dr. Kevin McElwee

The following is a review by Kevin J. McElwee, PhD in Dermatology on VEGF- the subject of the big announcement above regarding the new discovery about its effect on hair

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VEGF Grows Thicker Hair

No more comb-overs. An end to hair plugs. Rugs go back on the floor where they belong. If an experiment in mice works in men, it may be possible to

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