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Tag "Alopecia Areata"

22 Year Old Alopecia Areata Spokeswoman: Abby Andrew 1

We’d like to introduce to you Abby Andrew – a charming 22 year old who has tackled her Alopecia Areata since childhood.  She has been kind enough to let us

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New Alopecia Universalis Totalis Treatment IND Filed with FDA 3

Back in September, we announced a revolutionary new topical treatment for Alopecia Areata which is being created by Aclaris Therapeutics.  A few days later we published an article citing a

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New Study Confirms JAK3 Effective in Alopecia Areata 1

We recently published an overview of the ongoing work being done by Dr. Angela Christiano and JAK inhibitors in the treatment of Alopecia Areata.   We are actually conducting a call

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Benefits of Rodent Models in Alopecia Areata Studies

Rodent models of human disease provide an important tool in the investigation of genetic and environmental activation factors, disease pathogenesis, and the development of new…

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Alopecia Areata: Developments & Horizons

HairlossTalk’s Science writer, Deborah O’Neil helps us understand Alopecia Areata a little better with this informative article. A non-classical form of hair loss In contrast to the gradual thinning seen

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Alopecia Areata Clinical Trial Needs You

The first ever database of hair loss conditions has been created to compare and analyze Alopecia Areata sufferers, but time is running out, and they need your participation…The University of

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Potential New Alopecia Areata Treatment

A long-used anti-inflammatory prescription drug can help some people with alopecia areata or other forms of patchy baldness regrow their hair, according to a new report…Sulfasalazine is a drug that

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Special Events: Alopecia Areata Awareness Month

September is Alopecia Areata Awareness month, and the folks at the National Alopecia Areata Foundation have once again put together several local events happening in your area. We have the

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Maine Hair Loss Conference Review

The Bar Harbor conference was basic hair biology oriented rather than being directed at finding treatments. There were reviews on gene expression and techniques for locating genes in disease, extensive

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