Youtuber does "the bald experiment!".. check it out


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Nonsense. I went completely bald from age 17 to age 22. I was turning into an old man I guess? 20% of men will never lose their hair, not one single hair. Why isn't DHT messing up their hair?!
Their hair is much more DHT resistant and if they lived long enough they will go bald or they will have very very low DHT.

It's just math and the correct term is correlation. male pattern baldness isn't random, you don't go bald instantly and the pool of 20 years of bald men isn't the same as 50s years old.

uncomfortable man

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But correlation is not causation. Baldness is not a function of age, It is a function of genetics. And these statistics are crap. 90% will have significant hair loss my ***. Those stats lump slight temple rescession at forty in with full blown nw5 at twenty. Its a vauge stat meant to make people feel better about their hairloss when in reality nw5 are still a statistical minority.


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My Regimen
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Women can do both, and they do! The other day, a woman who already had her "attractive baby" from a hot NW1 was trying to pin me down as her provider.

Yeah I guess the non NW1 guy will stick around and just provide for her in exchange of sex once in a blue moon while she continues having sex with hot NW1 men.

Screw that. Cuckoldry is more common than we think, and women will sometimes be able to get the genes of an attractive male, because looks and compatibility are what matters when it comes to sexual attraction and reproduction.

All while at the same time or a bit later pinning down a provider type to whom she will feel little to no sexual attraction. A lot of women in this world also sleep with men they have no attraction to only for resources and money.

They're called prostitutes. I don't care if it's the classic prostitute or the woman who's trying to divorce rape a man. Their end goal is the same: acquiring resources in exchange of her pussy.

Should have called her out on her peasantry.