Xandrox blues...


New Member
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Hey guys...a couple of questions...

Been on 5% minoxidil for over 10 years. Good results. Been on Xandrox for around 8 years...same results but loved the fast drying...been basically maintaining since then.

1) First Dr. Lee shut down (Thanks, Nanny Government!!) and I was forced to find an alternative...Now minoxidil solutions shut down. Now I get to take even more time out of my schedule to find an alternative. What do I do? I used Rogaine for 2 years and hated it. Can anyone recommend any of these other companies selling a fast-drying non-greasy 5% minoxidil/azelaic acid?

2) Last July I switched to 10% minoxidil (using just at night). Should I just switched to 5% again as I am scared the FDA (thanks again, big government!) will shut down all 10%/15% manufacturers?


Senior Member
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Why are you looking for a combo containing azelaic acid if according to you, it produced the same results as plain old 5%? Seems like you were wasting the extra money on azelaic acid when you could have been using Lee's regular fast drying 5% for much cheaper.

Anyway since that's off the table, 2% minoxidil is just as fast drying as Lee's stuff and if you use a double dose it's pretty much the same thing.
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I have to be honest also, i used to use Xandrox religiously for 5-6 years until they were shut down, and have been switching between the Minoxidil Solutions plain old Minoxidil 5% solution, Minoxidil Max fast dry, Spectral UHP 5% and more recently ROgain Foam melted in the cap and sucked up with pipet, and it has made no difference to my hair, in a negative way. I dont think the Azealic Acid did anything, at least, for me.

Order Minoxidil Max Fast Dry (if you are outside USA like me), or, use melted ROgain Foam (melted in warm cap, heat it first in warm water), dont try and store it that way, u have to do it ad-hoc. Or, try the minoxidil from GenHair. They do 10% as far as i know, and 15%.
