Women 5 times more likely to 'date' men with hair, not bald guys


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All that proves is that online dating sites are shallow. Big surprise there. You're being judged 100% on your looks before the other person even gets a chance to get to know you.

Bald men have a harder time getting women than men with hair. That is pretty much a fact. How much harder is completely dependent on the other attributes of the individual in question and if they are accomplished enough to overcome it. If you rely on hair as a key part of your image and aesthetic appeal, balding could absolutely ravage your confidence. If, however, you have many other attractive features/attributes, it probably won't matter as much.


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lol clubs for 21yo+ people are definitely not out of the question, you can still go there as a balding/bald guy, but like sdk mentioned before you must have 100% confidence and be 100% secure and happy with how you look and who you are, otherwise don't waste your time going because girls can see straight through you if you're desperate and trying poorly to fake it.

Even my handsome nw1 friends hate clubs most of the time because they go in there with their low self esteem issues and surprise, surprise walk out empty handed every time. Low self esteem guys stupidly think they can hide all these insecurities, but humans are mammals, and girls can read our nervous, shifty body language very fkn easily!

The only time I go to a club and actually do well and pick up what I want, is when I'm feeling on top of the world and literally in love with myself, this maybe happens about twice a year max, lol.

By far the biggest problem for us is self esteem not getting girls, even a tall good looking bald guy with beautiful blue eyes like Fred (no homo! lol) has problems. Still gets plenty of female attention for his ego, but still looks in the mirror and hates himself, imagine then what the average looking bald dude thinks of himself?

In my opinion baldness ravages self esteem a lot more than looks, sure we're not gonna be as good looking as we once were, but we're still nowhere near as ugly as we believe.


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I see tons of ugly bald guys with quite decent women, I don't know how they are personality wise but the guys at least seem imposing, that's pretty much the number one characteristic women look in men, if you're a model like guy but a wimp you'll get homely women only.

I want my hair because I like it, not because of the idea that it will get me women on its own.

Anyway, looking at the "study" it's incredibly biased, it would be interesting if it was done properly though, with women older than 26.


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Even my handsome nw1 friends hate clubs most of the time because they go in there with their low self esteem issues and surprise, surprise walk out empty handed every time. Low self esteem guys stupidly think they can hide all these insecurities, but humans are mammals, and girls can read our nervous, shifty body language very fkn easily!

Primo, you are definitely right about this. I was one of those guys. Another scenario is the bar has some hot looking women who have low self esteem issues themselves and feel the handsome NW1 male is unapproachable or conceited or too good for them. I have experienced that too. Basically, if you want someone, go with it will full force and self confidence. Avoid the fear of rejection and throw in some humor and you might just get the girl's attention. Women love attention as long as you don't come across as creepy. I wish I knew how to "parrot" people when I was younger, I would have done so much better. Little advice, treat people like a mirror image and watch how well they respond to you.


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All that proves is that online dating sites are shallow. Big surprise there. You're being judged 100% on your looks before the other person even gets a chance to get to know you.

Bald men have a harder time getting women than men with hair. That is pretty much a fact. How much harder is completely dependent on the other attributes of the individual in question and if they are accomplished enough to overcome it. If you rely on hair as a key part of your image and aesthetic appeal, balding could absolutely ravage your confidence. If, however, you have many other attractive features/attributes, it probably won't matter as much.

This doesn't prove ****. If anything, it was colored by your own bias and cynicism. If you had a full head of hair, your in ability to approach or have game would be excused by women being evil or some crap.

Dwayne Johnson is attractive due to charisma. He has character. Women find his confidence appealing and his strong fan base followed after he projected his true character. He still failed when trying to be the baby face hero. It lacked authenticity.

Hair or not, I choose to be like the People's champ. He gets girls and so do I. Being the people's chump and blaming hairloss for your life gets you more complaining.

I am back from Alex's free tour and I'm going to deliver the people's elbow to a girl I pulled tonight. :D


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This doesn't prove ****. If anything, it was colored by your own bias and cynicism. If you had a full head of hair, your in ability to approach or have game would be excused by women being evil or some crap.

you act as if the opinions he expressed were overly negative, over-the-top pessimistic and cynical. i'd say it was a pretty accurate, realistic view. you see there's being A) overly positive to the point of delusion and denying any kinds of negative facts on principle, B) realistic and C) over the top negative.

guess which category you belong in? but then again i saw your pic, with no visible hair loss you can afford to act like this.

uncomfortable man

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Little advice, treat people like a mirror image and watch how well they respond to you.

That wouldn't work for me since I would rather punch mirrors due to loathing my reflection.


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UM,from reading your previous posts over the past few years, I think you were already doing it without knowing it.

uncomfortable man

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So your advice only works if you like your reflection. Do you believe in the idea of the social mirror, ie. you can see your relative status by gauging other peoples reactions to your appearance? Granted, this mirror does not have an even surface due to differing opinions but it is based on an average. I think my problem, House, is that I am a sociopath. I think I want everyone to like and accept me and my suffering stems from not being able to do that due to baldness.


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UM, although you exist as an "online entity" who I have never met, I still like you and accept you regardless of your baldness or self loathing. I would treat you as an equal if I was ever in your presence. I see what most people don't about you. I see the good in you regardless of your self diagnosis of sociopath. You have let society mold you. I decided it was time I molded society. Hence, my life has been so much easier these days. My cousin married a bald guy, and he was bald( in his 20's) before they married and she was very attractive. This bald guy has busted all the myths about how bald guys are treated differently. No matter where he goes, he seems to be the center of positive attention. I guess the fact that he lacks self loathing is maybe why he has achieved "equality" and acceptance in society. Society can't accept you if you can't accept yourself.

Unfortunately, myself included, we tend to react based on our past negative experiences. Yet you have to realize, our reaction may be the same as before even if the present circumstances are totally different. Our brain has a section in it where we harbor the same reaction regardless of the circumstance. When you finally realize if you form a new reaction to the same circumstance, a new more positive outcome may emerge. However, if you are truly a sociopath, your brain will only operate with previous negative reactions even if the circumstances are totally different.


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Anyone have the two pics used in the experiment?

uncomfortable man

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How do you mold society? Are you some kind of radical social activist?

"Society can't accept you if you can't accept yourself."
Society is part of the problem in that they propagate and perpetuate the stigma against baldness. The only way to get the lemmings to accept baldness is to include it under the Political Correctness Umbrella or PCU for short. Then everybody is going to want that token bald guy in their group of friends. People will go out of their way to be polite and considerate to the bald guys and women will suddenly want to have that bald guy on their arm to display to everyone how forward thinking, open minded and conscientious they are. What a load of bull. Our society has not yet reached that point that Gene Roddenberry envisioned for Star Trek where people have learned to overcome such petty social prejudices. So even if I managed to accept myself despite all the culturally engrained messages meant to inflict pain, embarrassment and self loathing, it doesn't lead to society accepting me. It leads to me accepting me and them still outcasting me regardless. It may not make a pretty sound bite but it is reality.


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How do you mold society? Are you some kind of radical social activist?

"Society can't accept you if you can't accept yourself."
Society is part of the problem in that they propagate and perpetuate the stigma against baldness. The only way to get the lemmings to accept baldness is to include it under the Political Correctness Umbrella or PCU for short. Then everybody is going to want that token bald guy in their group of friends. People will go out of their way to be polite and considerate to the bald guys and women will suddenly want to have that bald guy on their arm to display to everyone how forward thinking, open minded and conscientious they are. What a load of bull. Our society has not yet reached that point that Gene Roddenberry envisioned for Star Trek where people have learned to overcome such petty social prejudices. So even if I managed to accept myself despite all the culturally engrained messages meant to inflict pain, embarrassment and self loathing, it doesn't lead to society accepting me. It leads to me accepting me and them still outcasting me regardless. It may not make a pretty sound bite but it is reality.

I really would love to know the area you live in and the type of people you hang round with...i really do...

Quantum Cat

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I'm becoming more conscious of my thinning crown - I think it's expanding which means the finasteride may not be working any more. I may just be being paranoid, it's hard to tell. Even nanofibres don't seem to be doing the job any more.

Anyway, now I only ever go outside with a jacket with a hood, and now that the weather's getting hotter I wear a hooded T-shirt, usually only take the hood down when I go indoors or into a shop. Worst of all is a sunny day when the sun really exposes my scalp.

speaking of Roddenberry's vision, I was always pleased they decided to go with a bald lead character for the Next Generation - you would assume that by Picard's time they would have cured male pattern baldness or at least have perfected perfect transplants, but he chose to stay bald. I haven't seen the new Star Trek film yet but I'll be interested if there are any bald characters - since these new Trek films seem to be aimed at the 'action' demographic, I won't hold my breath...

Nashville Hairline

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to flip it, men are way more than 5 times more likely to date a woman with hair, than a bald woman
More like 50 times, I reckon. I'm very thankful as men that society can still judge us on things other than looks such as confidence and status. Women are judged by society almost solely on their looks.

Quantum Cat

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More like 50 times, I reckon. I'm very thankful as men that society can still judge us on things other than looks such as confidence and status. Women are judged by society almost solely on their looks.

but if a man doesn't have a lot of money/big house/high status job AND is bald/ugly, then he has nothing except for personality and charisma. And it's hard to keep a cheerful/confident personality when you have all those things going against you


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but if a man doesn't have a lot of money/big house/high status job AND is bald/ugly, then he has nothing except for personality and charisma. And it's hard to keep a cheerful/confident personality when you have all those things going against you

All those those things going against you? lol, only thirsty gold digging w****s will judge you negatively if you're not some hotshot banker/lawyer/entrepreneur earning a huge £££ gbp six figure salary.

Women just want security, so as long as you have a decent career (doesnt have to be spectacular) ahead of you and can provide in the long term for a family with a reasonable annual salary, that's all they require.

You can't however just be some wasteman, taking every day as it comes, working a dead end job with no intentions of getting a solid, secure career or any ambitions to improve your professional life... and expect women to fall into your lap..... even as a nw1 your going to have a very rough time with women if that's your philosophy on life, no woman will have any respect for you and rightly so.

Woman respect secure men with decisive plans and clear direction in life, more than anything else.

Sure a big salary's nice, but then again drug dealers earn big salaries too (for a while) and look at the kind of girls they attract? Ratchet hoes and hood rats. For the decent females however they require something a lot deeper than that.


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I've seen this study posted before , it was financed by a hair loss drug manufacturer (rogaine?). No doubt then any results of their study will be hard to qualify as objective and accurate. Who knows what sneaky methods they used to bias the results in their favor (IE overstate the impact of hair loss on men's dating market value).

However, there is no doubt balding is unattractive to women and your dating results will be harmed as a result. The only question remains is by how much, and that's a answer that varies depending on who the person is and their skull structure /facial features /height etc IF you're really lucky you might not have to worry at all . See Stratham or freddie ljungberg. We all know their names like a roll call don't we? The reason just about ALL balding men know these examples is because they are exceptions to the rule. Most of us are not so lucky.