where can i buy saw palmetto?


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I know there is a certain type i have to buy. The berry free kind or something? Anyway, can I pick this stuff up at rite aid, eckerds, walmart et???
thanks guys


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saw palmetto

I get mine at rite aid--I buy the pharmasure brand-it's in a green bottle, cost between 10 and 15 bucks a month.
It is the standarazied (80 to 90%) berry extract.
rite aid has a lot of brands and all the standarized ones are good.
dose is 2 160mg per day. doesn't matter if you take the 2 at once or take one in morning and one in evening.
If you watch the rite aid specials you can usually get one at full price and the other at half price.
There is enough in each bottle for 1 month.