I don't know whether one can know much after a couple of days, but here's my $0.02. I started taking Propecia back in December '04 b/c while Revivogen stopped my hair from actually falling out, my hairline kept creeping up, and my hair seemed to keep getting thinner. I also started minoxidil at the same time. Within 2 weeks, my libido was erratic and when it was there it was about 60% of what it had been, occasional testicular ache, wood wasn't as strong and was more difficult to maintain. Never had any of these problems before. Hearing that it often took some time for your body to adjust and that everything would return to normal if you went off it, and getting some good results with my hair, I stayed on it until end of April, with more or less the same sides, maybe slightly worse... then, I was able to get wood only about once a week in April, and that was it for me. I stopped taking it. I guess its hard to know what's in your head and what isn't, but how could the complete lack of morning wood be a psychological effect? I teach in the university, and am surrounded by hotties all day, I'm in great shape, and haven't been depressed. Whatever. It's the end of May now, and my sexual interest has definitely returned (mentally speaking, I mean), I get occasional morning wood, and I'm somewhat responsive to visual or physical stimulus...but its been almost a month, and I'm still not my old self. I'm giving it a couple more weeks, trying not to think about it, and then I'll go to my Doctor, or an endocrinologist or a urologist for some tests. Thank God my girl is cool. It isn't supposed to take this long to be back to normal is it? Damn it all to hell...it was really working on my hair too. And I'm not trying to scare people off; one of the reasons I decided to try it was that several of my friends are on it and they've had no sexual sides at all.
33, Nwood 3.v, 1.5 ml Revivogen, 2 ml of 5% minoxidil, Nizoral twice a week.