rheumatoid arthritis as a side effect of avodart?


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hey guys iv been on this site for a long time, since i was 17 im 24 now...its crazy how once the meds are working hairloss is a thing of the past and you dont even think about it anymore. i started on propecia at 17 until about 18 when i switched to avodart since i felt like i needed to be more agressive with my hair loss. i also started lifting weights and got into bodybuilding in the last two years. 6 months ago i started getting pain and inflamation in multiple joins and my hands would be stiff in the morning, i thought it was tendonitis at first from working out but the doctor has since confirmed that i have developed rheamatoid arthritis, its an autoimmune disease which attacks my joints and most of the time my knees or elbows are swollen and inflamed now a days. rheumatoid arthritis is more of a female disease and its rare to occur in men. studies have shown androgen supression of low test levels can cause rheumatoid arthritis in men. i have been on avodart for the past year about 1-2 a week if that because sometimes i just forget to take it and im still maintaining. i use rogain everyday however. i am thinking of dropping the avoart because being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis makes me feel stupid that i ever worried about my hair it seems so vain and foolish because now i just want to excersice and lift and i cant. has anyone els experienced these side effects?