Post Finasteride Syndrome Sufferer. Contemplating Suicide.


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Hello, I know this is an old post, but I'm seeking for help. After asking myself why I was so severely depressed, I found out about the post finasteride syndrome, and everything started to make sense now. I really have a wonderful life, splendid girlfriend, beautiful job and a great great family, but my depression is just tremendous, without any real reason, if not having stopped taking finasteride! I'm freaking out because I can't accept that a stupid medicine could destroy my life. So what I'm asking, after how long have you recovered from these symptoms? I took finasteride for two years, and I quitted it this week. What are your personale experiences? how long did it took you to go back to normal?

Thank all of you



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Simone everyone is different. Some recover right away. Others 6 months. Others 2 years. Others 5 years etc. Sorry just if I have advice it is to remind yourself that you will get thru it and dont give up. I'm way better today then 2 years ago. I was thinking suicide all the time at one point.


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Hello, I know this is an old post, but I'm seeking for help. After asking myself why I was so severely depressed, I found out about the post finasteride syndrome, and everything started to make sense now. I really have a wonderful life, splendid girlfriend, beautiful job and a great great family, but my depression is just tremendous, without any real reason, if not having stopped taking finasteride! I'm freaking out because I can't accept that a stupid medicine could destroy my life. So what I'm asking, after how long have you recovered from these symptoms? I took finasteride for two years, and I quitted it this week. What are your personale experiences? how long did it took you to go back to normal?

Thank all of you


Dude, you quit one week ago... Relax, you will mostly be fine.


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Simone everyone is different. Some recover right away. Others 6 months. Others 2 years. Others 5 years etc. Sorry just if I have advice it is to remind yourself that you will get thru it and dont give up. I'm way better today then 2 years ago. I was thinking suicide all the time at one point.

Thanks man, I'm glad to hear that you feel better now. I hope is going to take not much time to feel better. Thank for your answer


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Went to my urologist, got the 'errything is fine' with high test levels answer which doesn't help. Interestingly enough, one value was very low which normally indicates borreliosis.


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Hey all, i havent been on this board in about 2.5 years. I took the drug for a month.. january of 2016. I pretty quickly felt the brain fog, but since i saw it was a normal "temporary " side effect i was okay with it, although i found it scary. I felt my erections werent as hard, then i also read this is a normal "temporary " side effect. Then about 3 weeks in a felt my right chest get enlarged, then i read about the man boobs side effect, but since i was thin it just looked like larger pecs. 4th week in was the MAJOR crash. I woke up one morning and felt my dick was extremely limp as if it was completely shut off. I became frightened and thought " what have i done"?! I weened off the drug over 2-3 days as i read that may be the best way. My system completely shut down over this time and for the week after. I became so messed up when i layed in bed at night id feel a complete block in my brain like my brain was imprisoned..hard to describe. I couldnt believe it. No way i could ever drink booze during this condition. I felt the devil got me and was laughing that i stripped myself of my masculinity over hair that was eventually going to fall out anyways. I read up and stopped drinking completely and tried to eat rather healthy. I felt no real change for a month and my energy was very low and felt like a castrated man and doubted i would bounce back. I prayed and after about a month i was outside in the fresh air with my son and felt my brain start to clear up, i was so happy. I stopped drinking any booze fo another month to make sure i would be okay and if i had a relapse i wanted to know it wasnt from booze. I wasnt a huge drinker by the way. I felt better and moved on with life. Since then ive started to drink a bit again and eat whatever as i did before the drug. My metabolism never bounced back completely, still have mini man boobs that arent terrible, but definitely i side effect. Also, sex drive is way down and erections arent as strong. I did get some blood work done a year ago and my testosterone was on the lower side which is what i suspected. I have no idea what my T was before, but guarantee it was higher. Also, i use to feel my hair follicles choaking out and dying from time to time before propecia but since the crash i dont, but i bet my body doesnt produce dht like it use to . Probably makes some, but no where near what it did before. I know i cant prove that. So, im planning to start lifting or doing push ups more as i know that is proven to increase T. I do believe i permanently damaged my system, but not as bad as others. Im curious how others are doing years after the crash?! Anyone? Bueller? So, in short, screw this drug and save your manhood and erections.