my nizoral 'test' results........michael barry

michael barry

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I have washed one wrist in nizoral about every third day (sometimes every other day) for roughly three months now. In the past, I found that revivogen and pine oil could reduce body hair at an application site, while crinagen was fairly ineffective. ... shampoo-pa ttern-baldness.shtml

The article above lists the many ways that ketoconazole is thought to help hairloss. Intenally, due to its inhibition of one particular chromosome, it strongly inhihibits androgen production in the testes and adrenal gland. However, Ketoconazole also inhibits severeal inflammatory pathways and kills a particular microbial in sebum, malezzia furfur, that might play a role in the immune response in baldness. We know it reduces sebaceous gland size with as little as 2 shampoos a week, and we also know that ketoconazole is found in theraputic concentration in the dermis for up to 72 hours after application (3 days).

My results seems to be a mild STIMULANT of my wrist hair. The hairs are a little thicker and coarser than they were. In other words, nizoral's trichotic effect (hair growing) overpowers its mild topical anti-androgenic effect.

Do I believe in using it a couple of days a week? You bet............its good stuff. We know for a fact that at least at the sebaceous gland level of the dermis (higher up then the dermal papilla) its anti-androgenic......althought not super-powerfully so.

Using nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week has been found to be about as effective as appling 2% minoxidil one time a day, or perhaps using "1%" minoxidil if you will. I think she helps............

Now, my nosy *** is testing apple juice on the other wrist, mixed with a little alchohol. I know that the proanthocyandin oligomers that were tested in the Japanese studies were extracted from commercially available apple juice, so I reason I can use quantity over quality and just generously apply it to see if it has a hypertrichotic effect. Im hoping that as an inhibitor of PKC, TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2, it will be.

We know that onion juice inhibits PKC and that it contains silica----which inhibits IL-1.
If apple proanthocyandins inhibit two of the three negative TGF-beta's (1&2), then TNF-alpha is the only other cytokine that Uno mentions that is left unaccounted for.
Internal inhibition of TNF-alpha is obtained with fish oil, and I do not believe there is any danger in this because Inuit and Eskimo cultures eat a great deal of fish, and dont have any negative reprocussions from it. Im somewhat afraid of using two doses of curcumin a day to inhibit TGF_beta internally perpetually in 24 hour periods (although 12 hours a day should be alright) due to concerns about dementia when this pathway is utterly inhibited for long stretches of time.

We only have FGF5 and thrombospondin left to account for. If my memory serves, I think horsetail or candula, found in tons of old herbal hairloss remedies, counteracts one of this, but I forget which one. I'll have to look it up.

Anyway,..............the nizoral appears to be trichotic on body hair somewhat, which is a good thing, because we know its mildly anti-androgenic. A great additon to any regimine.

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michael barry said:
Internal inhibition of TNF-alpha is obtained with fish oil, and I do not believe there is any danger in this because Inuit and Eskimo cultures eat a great deal of fish, and dont have any negative reprocussions from it.

Michael, I remember reading some magazine that they do have problems due to the really big amount of fatty fish they take. It is -or it was before the mercury scare- recommended to have 2 or 3 portions of fatty fish per week, but not much more than that. Great to prevent heart attack, but eskimos have problems with blood coagulation. Also, an excess in vit A and D is really dangerous. I would like to know Docj077 thoughts.

Your experiment with Nizoral let me down (nizoral, not you :lol: ) I thought seriously that was regrowing hair due to antiandrogen effect, even more than propecia. Oh well. spironolactone 3 times a day is the only choice for topical antiandrogen? Do you think that, if we take internals, we should not bother at all with any topical antiandrogen, and go for the "scalp healing" approach, like tricomin or proxiphen. I mean, if we do not want to be slaves of treatments. BTW, what is your take in fluridil, do you think that it does what the makers say, does it make sense for you?

Thanks - sorry for the thread hijack

michael barry

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due to carenoic acid's long half life (over ten hours), just two applications of spironolactone a day should be enough, I now think.

Fluridil/////.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,have seen three good pictures, about as good as Revivogen's pictures. Would love for there to be a real third party study of it, but probably aint gonna happen. Oh well.

BH 90 NWtwo 10

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Michael, what is the effect of a cafinated shampoo on the head? It is not an anti andgr. but what is it that it does to grow hair?

BH 90 NWtwo 10

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michael barry said:
Im somewhat afraid of using two doses of curcumin a day to inhibit TGF_beta internally perpetually in 24 hour periods (although 12 hours a day should be alright) due to concerns about dementia when this pathway is utterly inhibited for long stretches of time.

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Enthusiasm for the idea that curcumin might prevent dementia was boosted at the end of last year by researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles. They suggested that curcumin reduced Alzheimer’s-like brain changes in mice that were injected with amyloid proteins to create conditions like those that exist in patients with the disease. They suggested that curcumin helped to clear amyloid from the brain and that its relative lack of side-effects and combined anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties could be beneficial.


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Your topic " Topic: Pretty "WOW" pics from topical ketoconazole study."
Doesn't work, could you post it again?


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Jacobo said:
michael barry said:
Internal inhibition of TNF-alpha is obtained with fish oil, and I do not believe there is any danger in this because Inuit and Eskimo cultures eat a great deal of fish, and dont have any negative reprocussions from it.

Michael, I remember reading some magazine that they do have problems due to the really big amount of fatty fish they take. It is -or it was before the mercury scare- recommended to have 2 or 3 portions of fatty fish per week, but not much more than that. Great to prevent heart attack, but eskimos have problems with blood coagulation. Also, an excess in vit A and D is really dangerous. I would like to know Docj077 thoughts.

Salmon should have a very low mercury ppm count. You'll want to try and get wild fish as farmed fish high PCB toxins and supposedly lower omega-3 fatty acids. If you can't easily tell, just look to see if it's pacific or atlantic, which are mostly wild or farmed, respectively.

michael barry

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Nizoral cream pics, ... adid=68440

Google results for 'tgf beta and dementia',................ ... a+dementia

I didn't say curcumin was bad, but it does stay in the system for about twelve hours. One might not want to take a large dose every twelve or every eight hours for years at a time however. We might need tgf-beta active a few hours a day apparently....................or at least thats what researchers in that long list of articles seem to be implying.

BTW, since the apple poly proanthocyandins were extracted from apple juice............I'd definitely suspect that apple juice with some alcohol or apple cider vinegar might do some good upstairs in larger quantities. Im almost certain onion juice is beneficial as would be pine oil (beta sitosterol, and pine proanthocyanidns). Just a thought .

michael barry

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one more thing.,

on of the docs at alpecin wrote me back a good while ago when I asked if they thought caffeine had any interplay with receptor sites, and he said that caffeine keeps the downregulation of the C-AMP gene from happening so aptly in dermal papilla cells. He described the C-AMP gene as the "energy messenger" in the DP cells. I noted that other stuff in alpecin like limone, linalool, castor oil, and tocopherol are in other hairloss patents. There is menthol in it, but its synthetic in all probabilitly and menthol slows the absorption of caffeine, so thats probably its purpose (im thinking about the spearmint tea/hirsutism study from Turkey). Other than that, there is sugar cane extract (silica and some beta sis) in the stuff..........................

Their research at the univ. of jena stated that at four months, 15 percent more hair follicles were in the anagen phase...................but that is WAY to short a time to measure success. Hell, your spring/fall sheds probably account for that. The test tube stuff over 90 hours or so is nice, but in vivo RESULTS and good pictures are what we ought to demand to see. Its probably "helpful", but I wouldn't get off spironolactone or finasteride or adjunctive at best at this point. However, as always.......I'd love to be wrong and it be the friggin cure for hairloss, but experience has made me a tad cynical.


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Hm, a bit confused here, nizoral cream and nizoral schampo are not the same thing right?

Michael, those pictures are amazing; and from what I understand they used the 2% schampo in those trials, not the cream? AND it was used everyday. Seems to me like Nizoral is far more important than I thought. I have bought the 1% and read that it should be as effective as the 2% but I think I'll hook on some 2% soon.

Any good site with shipping to Scandinavia that sells the 2%?

michael barry

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the cream was used in the photos you see.

it was applied after the shower with the head still wet. You can read the linked thread for the details.....................I dont imagine the shampoo is quite as effective as the cream, but I did want to show available pics of nizoral's (ketoconazole's) effectiveness. Obviously it helps some and its worth the time to pick up a bottle at the drug store and use a couple of days a week anyway.


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Those pictures are from;

Okay, I thought they used the schampoo but as you pointed out they use some lotion also called Nizoral? Anyone tried that lotion? Where can one buy it?


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Regarding the fish oil and mercury -- this appears to be one area where regular commercially available supplements are both safe and have the nutrients advertised. That is, someone ran a test on various brands of fish oil capsules that you can buy in supermarkets and the like and found that they all pretty much have little/no mercury and had the quantity of oils listed on the bottle. You can, if you want, buy capsules that have mercury filtering; however, this is probably not necessary and does cost more.


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I love fish, I specially fatty one, then I don't take any supplements. A rule that I heard before is always go for small fish: sardines will have smaller mercury level than tunas even if they come from the same area.

The only fish I won't touch for a while is farmed samon. I am sure they are improving the rearing system, but I have heard too many scares before.


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Michael, what about applying topical curcumin? Expensive but topical :roll:


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Whyatt said:
Michael, what about applying topical curcumin? Expensive but topical :roll:

You can check vicco turmeric cream (ebay). Dirt cheap. 16% turmeric, dunno how much curcumin in that turmeric. Commonly used by East Indian women, to get a softer and lighter skin. No idea if it is cosmetically acceptable for hair, though...

michael barry

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a curcumin topical that didn't stain your scalp yellow, or smell, would be tough to formulate with just kitchen sink chemistry. It would probably have to be made via androscience, etc.

boiling it in water proabbly wouldnt cut it and might destroy whatever curcumoid that really had a topically anti-androgenic effect anyway. Who knows?