My AU Story and Recovery. I hope this can help someone!


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I lost all of my hair when I was 14 years old and was diagnosed with universal hair loss or AU. I woke up one morning and took a shower and felt the water running up my ankle up my leg and looked down. It looked like someone shaved the dog. I did not think it was my hair and went to school. At school we were in the process of doing the president's athletic challenge where you run, do situps in a minute and pushups. I remember a girl holding my legs for situps and I started doing situps as fast as I could and hair just started flying everywhere. At that point my hair was falling out evenly and it was not patchy. I went into the locker room and was getting dressed and looked in the mirror and wondered what was going on with my hair. I grabbed the hair on my sides by my ear and pulled evenly. Tons and tons of hair came out. I tried it all over my head and it was falling out like crazy. I had a lot of hair but it was fine hair. I also have straight hair. I have read about AA, AT, and AU and I did not follow the same usual pattern of gradually going from AA to AU. I actually lost everything within a week. After about 5 days, I had so little hair that I actually shaved the rest of it off. I used to be a really hairy twelve year old. After a month I had lost most of my pubic hair. The only thing precluding me from AU was that I kept my eyebrows; but they thinned somewhat. I did not grow any hair on my head for almost 4 years except for when I would get a sunburn on my head. Living at my parents house was extremely stressful and I am sure that it contributed to impacting my immune system. My hair did grow back however. It started growing back when I was 18 years old. It came back patchy at first and then it came back in full. It actually came back during the summer before my senior year. I left my parents house within a year after losing my hair and worked as a slave boy in Hawaii for Maui Land and Pineapple; planting pineapples, harvesting them, and driving every kind of truck that company had. There are many other things that could be stated here but I would like to continue speaking about my current situation in life.

I kept my hair from the age of 18 until I was about 30 years old and then the hair on crown/vertex started thinning. I am now 40 years old. I actually have used minoxidil 5%. I used it for almost a year when I was 32 years old to try and stop the loss or even reverse it. It did not work and I reasoned that your hair has a lifespan and because AA and AU physically change the structure of the shaft of your hair follicle, I figured I was lucky to have a 12 year run on having hair. I also became more overweight at age 30. (Got married and complacent I guess) I figured that my hair loss was auto-immune related and that these kinds of things would not work on me since minoxidil didn't even touch it.

I am very physically active, playing basketball 5 days a week and lifting at least 3 to 5 times a week. Male pattern baldness runs on both sides of my family. No one has ever been diagnosed with AA or AU. I have been taking a weight lifting supplement that is amazing but it has a side-effect of thinning my hair by at least 25% in the last month that I was taking it. It is called maral root or luzea. It is an adaptogen that allows your own body to produce it own testosterone and produce more testosterone and it does something else that is amazing; it significantly reduces cortisol; the muscle killer. The side-effect is that I lost significant hair in the last month. I took it two months ago for a month and for the last month I have not seen any regrowth, but hair loss has stopped. I have been having serious pain in my joints for almost 4 years and thought I must have gout or arthritis. In the last 6 months it had gotten so bad that 800mg of ibuprofen would not touch it. I went and got a blood tests and it came back that I had a speckled positive ANA, which was potentially indicative of lupus. I am supposed to come back to get more blood tests in a couple of months and if they are similar, they will continue to test and find out what this is. I was looking at symptoms of lupus that affects the skin and joints and I have several of those symptoms. I take after my mom's family's side. My mom has several auto-immune disorders including fibromyalgia, sjogren's, eczema, as well as a couple of others. I am actually thinking of taking propecia in an attempt to the counter the androgen affects of the supplement I took a couple of months ago.