Licorice extract?

Leo Mandy

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I was thinking of grabbing some licorice extract today at the local health food store, but found two completely different studies on the subject

1) The first said it helps because it is an anti-inflammatory

2) And the second said it help to remove hair on mice or something like that.

I know I can get licorice extract cheaply ($10.00 for 50ml), but don't want to start on something that people have found causes point #2. Anyone tried it?

Leo Mandy

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Really? No one has tried licorice extract? Ok, I bought some today in capsule form. Emptied the capsule into a old minoxidil with distilled water. Going to add a little minoxidil to it as well and see if it dissolves. If so, it is going on my head to test out a small area to see if it works.


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bump. I have the same question. Is it safe for scalp or will it remove our hair due to epilatory effects?


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bump. I have the same question. Is it safe for scalp or will it remove our hair due to epilatory effects?

If you’re looking for an anti inflammatory effect just purchase nizoral or regenepure. U could also use green tea extract


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If you’re looking for an anti inflammatory effect just purchase nizoral or regenepure. U could also use green tea extract
I'm not looking for anything. I bought a minoxidil formula with licorice extract as an ingredient and don't want to cause hair removal lmao


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I'm not looking for anything. I bought a minoxidil formula with licorice extract as an ingredient and don't want to cause hair removal lmao

I wouldn’t risk it, I’m sure they put licorice as an incredient since it possesses weak anti androgen effects like Ketoconzale, but people use licorice to remoce unwanted hair. I’m sure the minoxidil w licorice will still work, but also it could potentially cause harm. Dualgen 5 or Kirkland’s much safer


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I wouldn’t risk it, I’m sure they put licorice as an incredient since it possesses weak anti androgen effects like Ketoconzale, but people use licorice to remoce unwanted hair. I’m sure the minoxidil w licorice will still work, but also it could potentially cause harm. Dualgen 5 or Kirkland’s much safer
f*** I don't feel like returning this sh*t and I paid $30 for it. Perhaps I'll do a trial-run on my eyebrows for like a month and see if it's actually epilatory. In the meantime, I'll just use my default generic minoxidil foam on muh dome.


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f*** I don't feel like returning this sh*t and I paid $30 for it. Perhaps I'll do a trial-run on my eyebrows for like a month and see if it's actually epilatory. In the meantime, I'll just use my default generic minoxidil foam on muh dome.
Or just use it on ur scalp and later on switch to generic when it’s empty. I really don’t think it’ll hurt, but maybe research some more.

If ur using what I think u are (advance trich) all of the ingredients look good besides licorice. I’d just stick to generic minoxidil next time and use finasteride if u want to block dht bc natural supplements and stuff aren’t effective or proven.


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Or just use it on ur scalp and later on switch to generic when it’s empty. I really don’t think it’ll hurt, but maybe research some more.

If ur using what I think u are (advance trich) all of the ingredients look good besides licorice. I’d just stick to generic minoxidil next time and use finasteride if u want to block dht bc natural supplements and stuff aren’t effective or proven.
Idk man, It's probably placebo, but I've always used minoxidil with azelaic acid or non-generic minoxidil formulations like xandrox and lipogaine. This was my first time getting the Advanced Trich. one because it looked luxurious and I like spoiling myself, ya' know lol

I had a sort of extended convo with Dr. Gaunitz, the guy who created the formulations and is the founder of Adv. Trich. and he said this:
Thank you for that information. However I been using the same amount of licorice extract my formulas for 11 years. In that time I have seen exceptional growth in both men and women. Case is point.

I have tested peppermint extract and it caused shedding in many cases. I have used rosemary in some cases along with other essentials oils but I not add it to the base because the benefit was not extraordinary. Bottom line is that my formulas have been used in thousands of successful cases and I happy with the outcomes.

I am not concerned with anecdotal studies. I have been treating hair loss for 17 years and my system works. Thus I will only add to the formulas in the future considering the base works so well.

* He mentions rosemary and peppermint oils because I had suggested to him making formulations with rosemary or peppermint extracts instead of licorice extract lol because those kind of serve the same purpose but don't have the epilatory dubious questions hanging over them


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Licorice extract 7grams daily has shown in clinical trials to reduce testosterone by 26%. testosterone is an androgen like DHT and we are those who are genetically susceptible to hair loss from androgens. lower androgen levels = less hair loss.