I need your help.


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Hi ,i am 21 yrs old male.there is no male pattern baldness run through our family (both mother and father side ) and i am loosing hair(body hair ,leg hair, sideburns,beard hair ,armpit hair) massively since i was 12 or 13 .i checked my thyroid and iron and blood test and there is no problem with it .
my older brother who 5 years old have great hair on his scalp but i don't know what is wrong with me .i visit many dermatologists and they don't even listen to me ,they prescribed me finastride when i was 17 and i used it for 3 periods of time with no improvement also i used topical estrogen .
last month i visited another dermatologist and she prescribed me clotrimazole with fluconazole and i think she thought i have fungal ,maybe she is right because hair loss occur with itching and very flaky skin that sometimes scratching cause bleeding,and i always wake up with scratching my body or scalp.
i appreciate any help and advice


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How long did you use finasteride for? All it does is lower DHT, it should halt/slow down hairloss in most people. It doesn't necessarily improve your hair, it just stops it from getting worse. It can cause some regrowth, but that's more minoxidil's territory