How long after coming off Finasteride am I expected to see hairloss?


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Hey all,

Quick history: I started taking Finasteride and applying Regaine foam a couple of years ago. Before, my hair started aggressively falling out over a two month period. Crown and whole back of head was all skin and fluff and the front was rapidly being eaten away, it was terrible, depressing time.

After starting on finasteride and Regaine however, my entire hair was restored within a month, and thicker than ever, like I had it 10-15 years ago. Never had any sort of shedding phase that I noticed. Though I had shaved my head at the time. My libido suffered, though after taking the pill every other day it came back, even better than it was before starting finasteride. So finasteride had somehow improved my libido!?

3 weeks ago I stopped taking finasteride as my partner and I decided to try for another child. It scared me sh*tless as I envisioned everything falling out again and I would never be able to get it back to how it was or maybe it wouldn't work second time around. Though it's been 3 weeks without finasteride and my hair is the same. I had one day where I ruffled it and hairs were coming out in the sink, but that has stopped now. Also my libido has sky-rocketed since being off it. It's a little embarrassing as I keep getting wood even just out and about, in the morning and during the night.

Sounds too good to be true, but I'm still dreading for it to start falling out. How long does it usually take once the finasteride is out of the system?


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About a month or two after discontinuing treatment is when you'll expect your hairloss to go back to the rate it was previously at.


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Thanks fineasstoride, I may go back on it in a couple of weeks. If I do am I likely to still lose it all if I still have the hair? I feel like my libido going up is a sign of the dht kicking back in.


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Also curious, I'm waking up in the night regularly now. Not sure if this is due to the change in hormones now DHT is no longer being blocked?