O.k. In May I notice quite a bit of hair in my hands while washing but didn't think anything of it until it kept happening. Up to that point, I had been working out quite a bit, training for 5K's this summer (I'm a teacher). I have also been hypothyroid and on synthroid for 10 or so years. Finally, I noticed both sides above my ears were fairly large bare spots. I went to my dr. who did a TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 and found my TSH was 4.71. She wants it to be around 1. After about a month, got it to .5. So she's happy with that (changed to Lavoyl .112) and wants me back in Sept to check labs again (would be 3 mos. on new meds). Went to dermatologist who diagnosed as AA and gave me Clobetasol ointment to put on my head 2x/s day for 3 months and see her again. She also did a scalp biolpsy to rule out, lupis, LP and hopefully rule in AA, which it did. So, she feels my AA was due to the stress my thyroid was putting on my system in conjunction with my excessive working out and losing some weight. I've have quite a bit of regrowth starting in my spots, but still some falling out. I wash my hair every other day and use this new shampoo I bought at Sally's Beauty Supply Store called Nutri-Ox.
I also went out and bought a very expensive wig in the event that I cannot cover my spots, I don't want anyone to notice. I am still able to cover my spots and I thank God every day that I can. Luckily, thank God, I haven't had to wear it yet. I also bought DermMatch which works great covering thinning spots. I'm also taking 5000 mg. of Biotin daily and today but Evening Primrose Oil to take. Don't know if it will help, but I tryi anything.
Anyone else experience something similar to my situation? I am thinking about the injections when I see my derm. next month in two spots that aren't filling in.
I also went out and bought a very expensive wig in the event that I cannot cover my spots, I don't want anyone to notice. I am still able to cover my spots and I thank God every day that I can. Luckily, thank God, I haven't had to wear it yet. I also bought DermMatch which works great covering thinning spots. I'm also taking 5000 mg. of Biotin daily and today but Evening Primrose Oil to take. Don't know if it will help, but I tryi anything.
Anyone else experience something similar to my situation? I am thinking about the injections when I see my derm. next month in two spots that aren't filling in.