Help Would be Greatly Appreciated


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Hi everyone. I posted another topic with my story and I was just wondering: How do I know when I'm losing too much hair. My scalp is not widening and on days I shower and dry my hair I lose a little over 100 hairs. On days that I don't I only lose about 30. When I do the pulling test where I take about 30 hairs and run my fingers over it, only one of two hours come out. I'm just wondering if everything is back to normal with me. I used to lose about 150-200 hairs when showering and drying my hair and about 50-60 when I didn't. Am I just going insane now and being paranoid? Are there any other simple tests that you guys know of that I can do myself to check? Thank you :)


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Sorry, question , how in the heck do people know how much hair they're losing, do they actually count. A derm asked me one time how much hair I was losing a day, I told her, you think I spend my day counting hair. Sorry cait , didn't want to interrupt, just curious.