Hairtrocity - A Comic Strip About Being f*****g Bald


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Yeah man looks like i'm with you on the ignore list :( ....




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Im using a shitty drawing tablet for this but I could get a nice drawing tablet I could do 1000x faster and better. If I do end up creating a mainstream strip I think I'd invest in one.

There's an old, old comic strip that is reminicient of yours. It's brilliant, one of my favorites: The Sad Sack. I'm not sure how well known it is but some here may know it. Take a look at this , and this , and this , and this ... you get the idea.

The character was created by Sgt. George Baker during WWII, about a private in the army who is humiliated and really low on the totem pole... but also gets small victories from time to time. Many of the strips have to do with his interactions with women, with themes that would be right at home here in this forum (the more things change...). For me, your John is essentially "Sad John", and if it were to go mainstream I think it could stay very similar but focus on the indignities of modern life rather than simply the indignity of baldness. If you are interested I would strongly recommend picking up this copy of his comics, or another of the same exact book (different printing OK, there were a few), with the same cover and comic on the front. There are many available on ebay and I don't know about the condition of this one but looks OK and is nice and cheap. Obviously you couldn't duplicate the material but I think it would offer a world of ideas and also cartooning tricks.


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Yep i think the self deprecating humor is always appreciated so this type of character can easily be used to convey many different situations, and that's the beauty. It is a very flexible and adaptable character that can speak to many different people. I think with John we have a relatable character in the realm of hairloss but truthfully i think he would actually work for any situation even outside of hairloss, although i probably would create a brand new character if i were to do this for real.
At the end of the day i am unfortunately really busy during the day so i can't devote as much time to it as i would like, but on the weekends it is something i can tackle easily.

Not working on it during the week is good, it will keep your creative juices from being tapped out.


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I missed pictures of Ms Macarova, repost please?


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So last night i went and bought beer with the intention of drinking and drawing, but i ended up just drinking. Here's a quick new episode of the Hairtrocity saga:
View attachment 66237

Do you know any French, Macaroni?

That Bear character is great, if you knew some French, you could have him throw occasional French insults, or just be contemptuous of non-French speakers. The typical French stereotype.


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Just want to add one more note that these are hilarious!

You should set up a website for them so they can be online somewhere in one place. It's really not hard to do. If you don't know how, I'm sure someone could help you!

They shouldn't just be buried in a thread!

If they are already somewhere, please let me know. I'd love to send these all to some people.


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The contrast between the bald, out of shape guy and the pissed off bear-hulk is great.
I think these two characters are bigger than hairloss issues.


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Thanks! I do know how to build websites so i could easily set something up. Haven't done it because i've been so busy, but might be something i do once i have a few more of these drawn up!


I wouldn't even do anything fancy. Even a static HTML site with just a page per comic and index link list for them all by title would do the trick, plus a simple hand drawn banner image across the top.

Looking forward to it. Keep it up. And no rush for more content. You've still got about 5 years to keep working on them until baldness becomes irrelevant ...



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This is good constructive criticism, it would have been more effective if she just saw him, he smiled, and she turned away. No text necessary.

These cartoons are great though, you are so talented macaroni. I hope you consider trying to publish them somewhere. Or another strip that might have more mainstream appeal. You have the talent to do this full time for sure.

I second this. If you ever publish them or touch them up, I'd punch that one up by making it two frames.

First frame: "Hey maybe you should go out with John, he's a nice guy..."
Second frame: Hambeast turns away from John and says, "Not my type."


If you like to hammer it home, you can add her going on with, "I need a confident guy ... etc" in a long unending diatribe like the one you had.

But the two frames either way would make it punchier. Can't think of any suggestions for any of the other ones because they're pretty much great.