Histogen Interview: Hsc Clinical Trials Update


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The interview with Dr. Gail Naughton and Eileen Brandt of Histogen is now available here:


Disclaimer: the audio is a bit awkward as I had only 15 minutes to cover about 30 questions, so I just rattled off everything as quickly as possible. :) Fortunately she answered 5 at a time without even realizing it and we hit almost all the topics you guys asked about.

That Guy

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Great! Thanks for doing this. It was a good read.

However, and I hate to sound like one of these incessant debbie-downers that plague the world of hairloss, but I do think they've really put some of the realities on the table here.

The main take away from this interview, for me, is that if you're an advanced norwood, you're basically phukt. If you still have vellus hair this will work to make those hairs terminal, but only for a normal anagen phase. After that, you're susceptible to DHT again and it's back to the big 3 or get another hit of Histogen. For Mexicans, Americans and East Asia, this is a great solution. For many people like me, who live in the most northern parts of North America, it probably simply won't be practical to travel to Mexico for months at a time or back and forth. Especially not since Shiseido aims to release not long after Histogen and there is a much greater chance that their results will be permanent. Not long after that, Tsuji's magnum opus cometh. I'd wager it will be much more feasible and will be cheaper for me and I suspect many others to travel to Japan just a couple times over the span of a few years and see themselves cured than it will be to go to Mexico or China and have many expenses beside the treatment, multiple times. For me personally, Histogen all rides on whether or not a clinic in Los Algodones will offer the treatment.

Regardless, exciting news and interview all the same.


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Great! Thanks for doing this. It was a good read.

However, and I hate to sound like one of these incessant debbie-downers that plague the world of hairloss, but I do think they've really put some of the realities on the table here.

The main take away from this interview, for me, is that if you're an advanced norwood, you're basically phukt. If you still have vellus hair this will work to make those hairs terminal, but only for a normal anagen phase. After that, you're susceptible to DHT again and it's back to the big 3 or get another hit of Histogen. For Mexicans, Americans and East Asia, this is a great solution. For many people like me, who live in the most northern parts of North America, it probably simply won't be practical to travel to Mexico for months at a time or back and forth. Especially not since Shiseido aims to release not long after Histogen and there is a much greater chance that their results will be permanent. Not long after that, Tsuji's magnum opus cometh. I'd wager it will be much more feasible and will be cheaper for me and I suspect many others to travel to Japan just a couple times over the span of a few years and see themselves cured than it will be to go to Mexico or China and have many expenses beside the treatment, multiple times. For me personally, Histogen all rides on whether or not a clinic in Los Algodones will offer the treatment.

Regardless, exciting news and interview all the same.

Yeah but if you manage to get vellus hairs HSC will be able to convert them to full size follicles.


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Histogen's biggest problem is that the results are temporary. Only the very rich would consider a series of injections that only last a single anagen cycles. The results would have to be exceptional to justify spending so much on a treatment that may only last 2 years.
The question is though, with the use of DHT blockers, could the HSC promote growth beyond that cycle? If The results could persist for a few growth cycles then maybe it would be worthwhile


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Histogen's biggest problem is that the results are temporary. Only the very rich would consider a series of injections that only last a single anagen cycles. The results would have to be exceptional to justify spending so much on a treatment that may only last 2 years.
The question is though, with the use of DHT blockers, could the HSC promote growth beyond that cycle? If The results could persist for a few growth cycles then maybe it would be worthwhile

Anagen can last between 2-7 years, so?
Histogen is only going to be a stop-gap treatment anyway. If it comes out in 2018, get that, ride the results for a few years until there's Replicel or Tsuji or whatever else works.
When you look at it that way, I'd gladly pay a thousand dollars or however much the injections will cost to buy myself a few years of hair growth.


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Anagen can last between 2-7 years, so?
Histogen is only going to be a stop-gap treatment anyway. If it comes out in 2018, get that, ride the results for a few years until there's Replicel or Tsuji or whatever else works.
When you look at it that way, I'd gladly pay a thousand dollars or however much the injections will cost to buy myself a few years of hair growth.

It's going to be more than a thousand dollars. It's dependant on the balding area. For a diffuse thinner, with 3 sessions, I can see this costing $6000 or more. Again, the results would have to be transformative for most people to justify 3 flights to China/Mexico, time off work and the cost of 3 sessions of 50 injections.


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Great interview!!! Just one question: does the microscopic hair that i got on my temples(same size as the hair i got all over my forehead aswell) count as vellus hair? Because i got a bunch but i can't see them unless i get really good lighting and get close to the mirror.



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The document in the other thread mentioned hair growth was permanent for at least 2 years which is def long enough to bridge us till whatever new comes out. With that said, if Brotzu's lotion releases soon and at least maintained, I'd rather wait for treatments to come to America. If Follica commercializes in America in 2018, and I would have maintained from 2017, all I need back is 1.5-2 norwoods. I can see by 2020, histogen and replicel being available in America which id most likely get to maintain permanently and if Follica doesn't give me the regrowth I wanted. Follica first would also allow u to go in with vellus hair. If the compound Follica wants us to use is minoxidil, I'd rather get the vellus hair from their treatment and go straight to histogen to make terminal.


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Excellent interview seems very promising. Hopefully they can get the 11 million very soon. I will be in the line to travel to China or Mexico when it comes available. Best be maintaining as much hair until then o_O


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Mexico is also a mess with all those cartels, it would have to be in a really safe place. Either way I would never go to Mexico, if they don't license it my country I'll never use their therapy.
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My Regimen
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I would GLADLY go to Mexico, even once every year and spend a couple grand to save my hair. you go, get some shots, spend two weeks on the beach, eating tacos and fly back. Big deal. No one can say this isn't worth the pain and anguish we go through on a daily basis.


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I agree with you, and I would gladly go there too. But, as i understood it, it's a three session thing : 50 at week 0 ; 50 at week 6 and 50 at week 12. Which means 12 weeks at Mexico or 6 flights !!! Tell me if I am mistaken.

Maybe the sessions could be not so close from one another, but if it's the most effective way...

no, you're correct I just listened to it. :( oh well.. perhaps they with all the new injections they will get insane hair counts, which would be a lifesaver for those that respond really well to anti androgens. for me, it would be bullsh*t


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I just realised that when we'll all be saved thanks to Histogen-Replicel-Tsuji, we won't hear Hellousers's voice again :( So much better than Spencer voice.

Seriously though, 3 come and go to Mexico is a lot... I leave in France. Apart from money issue, i'm thinking about time schedule... hope they'll be able to find a solution for people coming from far away.

Apart from the fact that I am NW7 I'm also thinking about time schedule and waiting for the new "Big 3": Histogen-Replicel-Tsuji :)

It would be great if Histogen-Replicel-Tsuji will be available in some country in Europe.
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I'm looking forward to Histogen's study about using an anti-androgen with this stuff. Using both has got to be close to a full blown cure for androgenetic alopecia right?


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Apart from the fact that I am NW7 I'm also thinking about time schedule and waiting for the new "Big 3": Histogen-Replicel-Tsuji :)

It would be great if Histogen-Replicel-Tsuji will be available in some country in Europe.

This may come off arrogant/ignorant so i apologize in advance, but once the American FDA clears some of these treatments doesnt it automatically pass alot of the other FDA equivalent bodies or no? In this interview Gail said somthing to the effect of we didnt want to partner in Japan with an interested company because what they offered wasnt too appealing, and that they'd rather go straight to global commercialization. I think this means passing American FDA process = passing global saftey regulation. Again as an American, I hope I didnt come off as arrogant or ignorant, and apologize if that is how this is coming off. Cause if it does mean what I think it does, then i think we are all still in good standing in most developed/developing countries. All treatments minus tsuji seem to be aiming for release in America by 2020. We know that histogen is probably useful for Norwood 2 - Norwood 3, we still have to see how effective Follica and replicel is at regrowth. But I really think if we throw everything at it, plus a smal transplant even the highest of norwoods seem to have something to hope for. Money is now seeming like the biggest hurdle lol, but maybe all this competition will bring it down. Idk about u guys but im not very interested in anti androgens. The future seems bette than that.


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Did we get any mention of a realease date? Late 2017? Easy 2018?


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This is going to be expensive for people outside of the US. 3 flights to Mexico and back in 18 weeks.