Getting My Hair Transplant on Oct 24. Need........


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I am basically a Norwood 2 1/2 going on 3 very rapidly. My hairline is very diffused, in other words, no hairline! The top is thin, but not completely bald. I am going ahead to have my hairline reconstucted by a good surgeon in Miami, Florida. I was wondering, for those who have undergone this procedure, does it actually take 3 months to see the results? And after those 3 month, will the new hairs sprout pointed up, or will it start growing very think, then eventually thicken? At 3 months, will coverage be seen, or will it take more months for the hair to look like the other hairs? Why is it that surgeons emphasis on the front hairlines, and not the temples?


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Hey k2laser.

For me I had good results at 3 months. Still thin, but started to see good growth. By 6 months I could notice much more thickening and coverage. But as you read what others have posted here on this site you have to know that everyone is different. Some take longer than others to see results and those results vary from person to person. Waiting is the hard part.

Hope all goes well. I'm sure it will.


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k2laser, why don't you take before photos. It's always good to get an outside opinion and if you post them here you'll probably get a lot of good outside input.