Final Verdict: Minoxidil Causes Wrinkles?

uncomfortable man

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So does smiling.


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I am twenty and have been on MIN for 3 and a half months nearly,so far I haven't noticed any wrinkles on my face apart from the lines that appear when stretched on my forehead which were always there.I have been using a mositurising lotion regularly on my face and hands maybe thats helping a bit.
Minoxidil really isn't the culprit,its the alcohol in it that dries up your skin and makes you look old....Thats why moisturize your face regularly while you are on MIN or any product that contains alcohol.Some are really allergic to it and experience these side effects.

If I do get some wrinkles caused by MIN in the near future,I would consider treating that with BOTOX. :punk:


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Minoxidil inhibits collagen production. Collagen makes the skin elastic and young.


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But you should be applying minoxidil to your head and not your face. Why would it cause wrinkles on your face? Fanjeera, I think your just paranoid about any treatment man.


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It absorbs into your system and kills the overall collagen.
Yes, I am, because most of the treatments for hairloss are bad for the health. I support wigs, hats and hairtransplants.


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People have said minoxidil gave them wrinkles. I am the kind of person who assumes they aren't just imagining it, and so there must be a reason for it.

The inhibition of collagen synthesis theory seems a valid suggestion, there are some studies that seem to back that up.

I dunno man I mean, if someone wants to avoid min sides then I would imagine a combo of some of the following things would probably still be quite reasonable:

Spectral RS (or any of it's ingredients)
A large number of herbal formulations (just because something is a herb doesn't mean it can't stimulate hair growth or promote bloodflow, or lower inflammation)
Copper peptides

Maybe minoxidil is best used to REGAIN your hair, and then some kind of combo of the above could be better for maintaining it in the long term. What do you think? That way you are healthy and side-effect free.


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I do think part of the problem is people become hyper aware of themselves once they focus on something like male pattern baldness. Perhaps they are seeing something for the first time.


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Cassin said:
I do think part of the problem is people become hyper aware of themselves once they focus on something like male pattern baldness. Perhaps they are seeing something for the first time.

yeah true man. Although some people do seem VERY certain, you know?

Personally I think if something is capable of creating sides (like in some people it apparently ruined their health) then we need to accept it as opposed to pretend it doesn't happen IMO. Min is a STRONG drug, clearly it is, that's why people use it for hair loss. But quite often with stronger effects come potentially stronger sides, don't you think?


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I really think the minoxidil sides or so blown out of proportion on this site. I've been using it for almost 7 years and have experienced no problems. There is a reason it's sold over the counter. Is it possible it aged my skin? Well I don't know what I'd look like had I never used minoxidil so it's possible, but I think any aging effect it has on your skin will be offset by the youthful appearance you get from growing new hairs. There is always a risk with medication, but minoxidil is innocuous imo. finasteride is much more dangerous, anything applied topically should be much safer than a pill as a rule of thumb.


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Well, you would imagine that if we could determine the exact pathway inhibited by Min, it might be wise to take something to reverse or at least partially offset this effect. Either that or taking something that encourages collagen production, I believe a form of vitamin C and also hyaluronic acid both do this but I've done limited research into it (I did some when my skin first went through that rapid transition about 10 months ago). There are others, it might be worth doing a bit of research, I mean I would definitely look into taking something to free up that collagen pathway if I was on Min, I mean why not?


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After 1 month of being on min I can definitely see enlarged pores along the top of my forehead, could be due to the alcohol content though.